a shepherd and goats descend from the mountain to drink from the stream (click on the picture to enlarge) in North Africa
This will be my last post before returning to Africa. I will follow open doors while there. I will be based in Uganda, potentially with the Karamajong tribe, north of Moroto. If it works out to visit Kenya, I will proceed there to a Somali refugee camp to serve, near the Sudan-Uganda borders. The men I am serving alongside are Michael and Larry. Please pray for safety, unity, and opportunities to share Christ!
While I am in Africa, my nephew Joshua (keeper of BJ's sword) and his daddy will be heading to Peru. This will be Joshua's first overseas mission trip! He is very excited, and will see many things, from the coast to the mountains to the jungle. Please pray for their safety and opportunities to share! He cannot wait to be in this land, where his cousin served.
Each of us leaves on Saturday, Jan 24. Joshua and his daddy return, about a week later. I return on Monday evening, Feb 2 (Lord willing).
I am traveling to Africa because the Lord has called me there. As I tried to articulate previously, I do not know why. I only know I am to go.
As plans have unfolded, our door to Kenya closed, which left me very confused. It was Kenya that the Lord was drawing me to. I sought counsel, and have continued on with the trip.
In the last few days, it appears the door may have reopened. This is a faith journey, and faith is what I am walking by. I do not know if I will be able to enter that land or not. I will if He wills it.
On my journey there, I will enter a very dark European city. I will spend a bit of time in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I will not be here long, but please pray the Lord would open doors for ministry. The need for Him in this land is enormous.
God's timing is always perfect...according to His standards.
For me, the timing of this trip is somewhat suspect. One of my primary roles at Awe Star Ministries, is to raise up leadership for our trips.
All positions were filled, save one. Then in the last couple of weeks, or so, two of them had to step down.
This leaves our summer trips short, three male leaders. These are very difficult vacancies to fill. I begin early to try and assure that I speak to people before their plans for the summer are set.
I need one man to co-lead our Asia team, and two men to serve as middle leadership in South America.
When I returned from Peru last summer, I was very excited, as I had the longest list of potential leaders, that I've had. I have exhausted this list, and have received almost all "No's."
The Lord is still in control. I know this. I trust this. I just cannot see what He has in store, as it is difficult to plan the trips as necessary without leaders in place.
Please pray for the men I have been talking to. Please pray that the Lord will move in their hearts to accompany our teams and serve as the men of God He is calling them to be.
Last summer, I had to cancel one or our trips due to lack of a male leader. The result is that thousands of people do not get to hear the Gospel message. If this breaks my heart, I cannot imagine what it does to the heart of my Father in Heaven.
I am doing the best I can to pull these leaders together. Please pray for my discernment, and for God's movement in the hearts of men. I would also ask you to pray that I am not distracted by this issue while overseas.
God bless you for being faithful to Him. Thank you for taking the time to read. Please, I would ask that you take even more time to pray!
Praying for safe journies...opening doors...and changed hearts.
Brent, your California family will be praying for you as well as Rich and Joshua. We love you and pray all goes well. We will also be praying for your family that is staying home.
Praying for Awestar and the leadership to come thru.
Praying that God is preparing an open door for you in Africa. May He grant you safety, health and purpose and raise up leaders in His service.
I am praying that you to arrive safely and that your journey will be a truly inspiring and fruitful one to my northern 'neighbours'. South Africa
Praying for and thinking of you.
Praying big for you, Brent, and the rest of you lovely Higginses.
Much love from Indianapolis
I was wondering how old Joshua is? Is he really old enough to go on a trip?
Joshua is a very mature 9 year old who, like his cousin BJ, has a grasp of who the Lord is and a heart that wants to share. I can assure you that a great deal of prayer, thought and planning went into the decision for Joshua to accompany his father Rich to Peru.
Rich is a very experienced world traveler and missionary in his position with Operation Blessing and has a firm grasp of the technical aspects of what is required for such a trip. The Lord has prepared Joshua's heart - and as those who were there and those who have read the blog back to its beginning know, he was the first person to jump up (at 6 years old) and say that he would take BJ's place on the mission field when the call was made at the Celebration of BJ's life. Those who know him know that it wasn't just the blind impulse of a youthful heart that led him, like many others including his young cousin, to stand up that day.
He and his dad were involved with a medical mission on Saturday and then flew to the Amazon (Iquitos) where they were able to see some of the wells that Operation Blessing has built in the villages, then minister to the people. They return to Lima on Thursday.
I don't know of any organization, including AweStar that make a practice of taking children Joshua's age on missions trips and there are of course many reasons for this, but as a good friend reminded me, we serve a CERTAIN God and one whom we know is looking over and after Joshua while he experiences this unique opportunity to serve Him along side his earthly father.
It is a difficult challenge not to stifle the calling of young hearts as we wisely try to protect them from the uncertainties of this world. Often, culture, not Christ limit who serves and when. It is often "the weakest" among us who are the most effective at reaching the world for Christ. Certainly, such a trip isn't the call of every person, let alone child...but in our responsible desire to protect we must be careful not to supress the joy and calling, and yes, even the opportunities to serve - of a young Christian.
I don't know any details but know that Brent was able to get into Kenya safely and I know that this was his desire. I am grateful for the Lord's provision and protection for His loved ones and ours.
Praying for You Brent, and your partners on the trip. I am also praying for the Leaderhsip needed for Summer 2009 missions trips. I know God will provide a way.
I am very excited to be a part of the journey this summer, keep me posted.
Peru Team 2009
Snohomish, WA
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