Jenn and me in Mexico
The last two nights of ministry have been simply amazing. God has moved so powerfully, and He has changed the hearts of many. I am just so thankful that when I seem to be the weakest, He demonstrates how little He needs my strength to accomplish what He desires!
The Students at Ft Hays State University were highly responsive. God's timing was perfect as what He had me share coincided unsurprisingly, with their preparations for sending two missions teams, and preparing other students as well. I praise the Lord for Micah and Karen and the other staff from "Christian Challenge," who work with these students on a daily basis.
Last night in Sand Springs was incredible! 400 to 500 students turned out for the cross denominational event.
I can honestly say that when I arrived, I was exhausted from travel and ministry. I knew I would have to depend entirely on the Lord to deliver as I had nothing.
Those are the times that God shows up in the most powerful ways! He continues to teach me that it has little to do with me, and everything to do with Him and His desires. I am just grateful He allows me to be part of it.
We saw the Lord break the hearts of some of His own who were living for the world. We saw many come forward to pour themselves out before Him, seeking to live for Him and not their own desires. I saw a pk who had been rejecting the call of God on His life, surrender as he came before the Lord, trembling.
The Lord was ministering to adults as well. I heard from many who God had moved. One precious soul, believing God was calling she and her husband into ministry, was seeking hard after Him. One of the organizers of the event told me "this was the most powerful service I have ever been a part of!" He went on to tell me, he normally did the preaching at these events.
I can only say, Praise God! The cross has not been emptied of it's power! When I literally have the least to offer, He shows up in tremendous ways! This service was all about Him, and what He did!
The organizers, the praise band (Silver Lining) and I were all just tools in the hands of the Master! A very good place to reside!
Thank you Father for ministering to them and to me!
Thank you family for praying as you consistently do!
We serve a mighty God, and He hears and answers our prayers!
Hey Brent!
All the praise be to our AWESOME God ... WOOHOO!
I have a question ... a few blogs back you used the same picture of the girl, Jenn, saying that she experienced a little "Rite of Passage" of her own ... is there a story you can share behind that?
I pray ya'll are doing VERY well!
Miss Laurel Lynn
Greeley, CO
What a wonderful time you must have had, tiring as it was. It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord uses tired weary vessels to demonstrate His power and might.
In His Love
hey just to let u no,
that testomony was so wonderful last night..
Having attended several "One Rally" events with our students... last night was absolutely awesome. The students on the van ride back to the church were all talking about what a powerful time they had. Challenged to walk a life of unhindered, real-life, faith. I was changed last night and I know my students were as well. Thank you for the powerful testimony of such an awesome witness for the cause of Christ, your son BJ. Thank you for what you brought to our town.
Thank you so much for challenging us again through BJ's and your family's testimony at the ONE Rally.
You are a tremendous blessing and God is using you in incredible ways!
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