Emily, Lauren, Whitney and Ari
A week ago at our iGo conference, I met a man and his family who came from Cambodia as refugees back in the early 80's. I was given a copy of his book, which is his life story. The book, entitled, "My Journey to Paradise," chronicles an unbelievable life of torture, torment and God's amazing grace!
This past weekend, Deanna and I were invited to their home. They were having a get together of friends and asked us to come and share our story. According to them, word spread, and many students and adults came. They grilled food, had a hay ride, and then had us share. It was a wonderful evening!
Every testimony is precious in the sight of the Lord, and each contains the power of the Holy Spirit when poured out at His prompting.
I confess, that in reading Heng Lim's story, I was tremendously humbled at the circumstances of his childhood. I grew up in a small three bedroom home. My home was a palace compared to the thatched huts he shared with other families.
Heng was the second son of five boys and one girl. In his life as a boy, he saw two of his siblings pass and watched his father die of starvation in camps run by the Kmer Rouge. His story brings about holocaust to mind all over again. Many of his extended family and friends were tortured, raped, or beaten to death...all this after the Vietnam war was over.
Heng grew up in a Buddist land, knowing nothing of the true God, but saw His provision in event after event. He suffered in about every way possible. Disease, malnutrition, torture, and many other indelible images scar his memory. He cried out to the true God on more than one occasion, and was heard.
The fact that he is even alive is a miracle when you see where he has come from.
Add to this that he arrived in the US at around BJ's age (when he was serving as a missionary), and was so far behind in school that he had to work a job, and study for hours a night to catch up.
Ultimately, it paid off. Heng met is wife Ra (who goes by Rachel) here in the US, but she too suffered in her youth in Cambodia and has an equally harrowing tale of life and her journey here.
Heng studied hard after arriving in the USA. He had desired to do so in his country, but the opportunities were virtually, unavailable. He grew up with a desire to help others, after seeing so many perish under such dire circumstances.
While known as Heng to his friends, the Lord has truly blessed him. He is known professionally as Dr. Heng Lim, DDS. He studied at a local Oklahoma University and became a dentist.
Many would call his story a "rags to riches" epic. He grew up being bounced around from one shanty to another, often being forced to co-habit with other families in a very small space.
Now Heng and his family live in a lovely home in Oolagah, Oklahoma. They are each, believers, and serve the Lord will glad hearts. They have made many trips back to their homeland to serve the Lord as missionaries.
Heng self published his book and I do not know if it is available on-line (as I have not checked). However, to search and see, the author is Dr. Heng Lim, and the title once again, is "My Journey to Paradise."
The story will break your heart, but you will rejoice once again, at the incredible provision of our mighty God!
As we shared in his home Saturday night, we saw two people surrender their lives to Christ! One woman, and one young lady who is around the age BJ was when he went home to be with the Lord.
I praise God for allowing us such a wonderful opportunity for friendship, and to be a part of His plan to draw others to Himself!
God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana
I just ordered the book on Amazon. Thanks for sharing. Leah Pinnick
The story of B.J. on Wade Burleson’s post was read at our first men’s “Leadership Training’ at New Zion Baptist Church, Bonham, Texas.
Thank you for raising such a great son.
Even if his life was short all the good will only be known in heaven.
My 5 year-old cousin is buried in China. Her missionary mother told her she was going to be with Jesus.
Her last words: “Mama, which one is our house?”
I believe she has met your son.
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