precious ones that do not know Him
Who will go to the meet the needs of these who do not know Him? Who will deny self, and wear the splinters of rough hewn timber embedded in shoulder and back to fulfill the call of the Almighty?
It is necessary that we pray. It is necessary that we lift up others who go. It is necessary that we support those who are willing, so that they might go. These are worthy pursuits.
But who will go? Who will take on the commission of their King? Who will realize they are ruined and can only serve their Savior by going...that they have been running from His hand on their hearts for long enough?
Where can you go to escape? Are combative words and spirit enough to bring peace where turmoil boils? Can one escape the grip of grace by indulging the dross of bounty? Can belief and acceptance of worldly marketing schemes bring pleasure and satisfaction?
Can we continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with others who refuse to go, Sunday after Sunday, in a game of eternal red rover? Do we feel better about our Christianity when we have more who feel like we do than will respond to what Scripture compels us to do?
Does it matter that many die daily in our land and others, apart from the knowledge of Christ, while we gather at dinner parties or fellowship activities, telling no one who Jesus is? Do we really care? Is there any evidence to reflect our concern?
Jesus died that others might live. Is it really our right to live while others die and we withdraw to the security of our own escape and inaction?
When will we care? What will it take to move us from concern to obedience?
What does it profit the lost if we have the power of the testimony of Salvation, and only ever hold it close, thinking it not radical enough to impact another's life? What does that profit the Kingdom of God?
Are we really so selfish that escaping through the flames while keeping our own Salvation is enough? Is that what the Gospel is all about to us? Is that the measure of our motivation and progress in our relationship with Him?
Have we become lukewarm and in full denial of it?
What will it be like to relax in a pool of swill, assuring ourselves we've got it together, only to awake as we are spat out?
What DOES it profit a man to gain the whole world? Is the forfeiture of our souls a clause we're unconcerned about because we've found a loophole and a lawyer?
Who are the sheep? Who are the goats?
If we know a believer by his fruit, are we embracing famine?
Open war is upon us. Are we content to withdraw into the keep, holding out hope that the enemy will give up due to the strength of our fortress? Is God our fortress? If so, why do we reside within church walls that don't spill out people who are willing to walk in that same Gods' obedience?
Today, we must choose.
Will our knees bend that we might pray, or will they remain stiff that we can stand tall in our own pride?
Will our mouths be filled and then emptied of words of a Savior, or will they drink in the coffee of the day, and swallow its bitter flavor?
Will our hearts yield to allow Jesus to reign, or harden that we might enjoy another day of leisure?
How many more have passed into eternal separation from God while we read words and remain unmoved by His Spirit?
Thank you for that.
God Bless.
My heart burns within me...thank you for stoking that flame. We as a church have been content for far too long, and eat the bread of idleness.
Please just copy and paste this and post it every day.
I was so moved by the book that I read "I would die for you." Wow!
I would like more information on BJ and the family. I pray that the family is doing okay.
Thank you for sharing your story with the rest of the world.
I was motivated to be closer to the Lord. I have been saved since 1992.
I want to know Him better.
thanks for sharing your life with us.
It's 11:20 PM. as I am writing these comments.
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