Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Uganda Team 2009 in Kampala. They leave in a day or so for the bush.

As promised, speaking to 40 three and four year olds was both challenging and entertaining! Some of them were with me the whole way. Others...I'm not sure they ever knew I was in the room with them.

I did learn a few things about speaking on 'world travel and culture' to young children.

If you are thinking about asking a group this size if there are any questions...resist temptation! They will all raise their hands, and not one of them will have a question. They just want to tell you that they "have been to Oklahoma City."

If you show them the flag of any nation, and ask what country they think it is...the answer is always, "Mexico!"

If you ask who among them has ever been to Mexico, the answer is...all of them...every single one will raise their hand. And if you ask one of them to tell you more, they will say, "I've been to Oklahoma City!"

If you walk into their classroom to speak, and you are carrying a hiking backpack filled with items from around the world, there will be two questions. 1) Why did you bring so much stuff? and 2) Did you bring any animals?

If you happen to be the father of one of the teachers, and the students find out about it, they tend to get preoccupied telling each other, "That's Ms. Lauren's daddy!" Then they will ask you over and over, "Are you Ms. Lauren's daddy?"

In every crowd, there is always at least one who is waaay to smart for their age. These children were three and four years old. About half way through our time, one little girl whose hand was always up, asked me..."have you been to Tibet?"

I fully expected a 2-part follow up question along the lines of, "what do you think of the political climate there and what have you done about freeing the people of Tibet?"

What four year old even knows about Tibet?

When speaking to this age group, expect a parade of potty-goers to file in and out throughout your time.

If you let your reading glasses hang around your neck, they will want to know why you are wearing sun glasses.

If you pass some of the objects around, just know that one child will not get to touch it, and they will cry. If you attempt to console them, they will tell you that they have been to Oklahoma City, and ask if you have any animals in your bag.

If you show them a slingshot from Peru that is used to 'herd' llamas, you can expect one little girl to be near tears, and she will ask "why do they 'hurt' llamas in Peru?"

If you try to explain it to her, she will stop paying attention, and go on a potty break.

If you ask where llamas are from, just know in advance that they come from Alaska...and don't try to tell them different...they have been there and seen them.

If you call small stuffed llamas, "llama puppies," they will believe you.

If you show them arrows made by the Karamojong and tell them they are used to hunt food, they will ask, "what do they do with the arrows?" If you tell them more specifically, that little girl who is now back from the potty, will want to know why they hurt llamas in Uganda?

In all reality, it was an incredible time. The children were great. They have all been to Oklahoma City and Mexico. Their comments are seldom on topic, but such is the mind of many three and four year olds. And remember, if you come back, bring animals...they want to see animals. Oh, and don't tell them that they eat guinea pigs in Peru...bad idea.



At 10:06 AM, Blogger Hopeful Pediatric Oncology Nurse said...

The whole teacher thing cracked me up!
Thanks for this, Brent. Muchas Gracias. It helps each day as I grow in God.
Still praying for you. God Bless.
Amor, Leslie

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Brent! That was so funny and well written. I almost felt like I was reading Laura Joffee Numeroff (If you give a mouse a cookie...)I'm sure the children loved you and God only knows what He will do through them because of your visit.
Love and miss you guys!
Michelle Kennedy

At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Brent. It brought a MUCH needed smile to my face this morning. As a teacher I can well relate and say that you were NOT exaggerating in the least!

God Bless.
Santa Cruz, CA

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Joshua said...

Ha Ha HA HA HA! Thanks for some lunch time entertainment Brent!

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as sit here laughing------I also am quite reminded of when I taught Pre-School, also kindergarten for that matter. You never knew from one minute to the next what they might say or do.
I would love to have been there for your adventure.
Aunt Maralyn

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as I sit here laughing------I also am quite reminded of when I taught Pre-School, also kindergarten for that matter. You never knew from one minute to the next what they might say or do.
I would love to have been there for your adventure.
Aunt Maralyn

At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who knows why the above came through 2 times. It showed me that the first one didn't go through. Oh well!!!!
Aunt Maralyn

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They really eat guinea pigs in Peru!!!!!!
God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Marti Pieper said...


DON'T post the picture with the bag of guinea pigs in the Peruvian market. Enough said.

DO forget any of my suggestions about blogging. Instead, visit Lauren's class again and blog about it.

DO ALSO keep smiling and sharing His love!

with tender love
and prayers in pink,


At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cute, Brent! I had to laugh!

Cousin Becky


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