BJ and friends
The last few days have been absolutely amazing! The Lord provided me with the opportunity to fellowship over this weekend with believers from Jonesboro, Arkansas who are abosolutely in love with Jesus.
Their love was evident in every conversation and action. I confess I needed the encouragement. The time was priceless. I got to know many very genuine people in our faith.
Speaking at the high school graduation was such an encouragement. I was very concerned about sharing our journey in such a venue. I didn't need to be. The response was overwhelming, and such a blessing. I met many who had already read our book. I was very surprised by that.
I shared meals with several different people from the area. The conversations we had were more filling than the excellent food. I cannot imagine the heart of our Savior not being incredibly blessed by the praise reports and testimonies He heard throughout the weekend.
Sunday morning, I was in Central Baptist Church with a missions team we (Awe Star)are sending to Panama in a few days. I had the privilege of sharing, praying, fellowshipping, and rejoicing over God's provision with them.
This is a large church that God is exploding, in. Four years ago they built a huge new facility so that all of their members could share together in the same service. They had been meeting in several services.
Now just a few years later, they are up to three services again and will add a fourth in late August. They are adding new believers to their membership on a regular basis as their body understands evangelism and are out in their community making a difference for Christ.
The fields are ripe and the harvest is being gathered...in all age groups. What a huge blessing to see a church do what the body of Christ is designed to do! Obviously, they are not exempt from issues of complacency within certain segments, but overall, the storehouses are being emptied, and the hungry are being fed!
I had dinner with a couple who teach a Sunday School class that have seen around a dozen and a half new believers come to Christ through their class, just this year, so far! Praise God!
Oh, I pray that their excitement, their enthusiasm, their encouragement and most of all their love for Jesus and their faithfulness in sharing Him go viral in the surrounding area, and beyond!
Could this be the beginning of revival?
I pray so! We so desperately need it.
Thank you Jesus, for giving me a glimpse of the part of your body that is fully engaged, and making a difference in your kingdom! I know there are others. Lord God, please ignite this flame into a raging inferno! Let your Spirit take over our land. Do what you need to do. Sift what you need to sift. Come Lord Jesus, and consume our hearts with who you are!
Amen, too! Praise the Lord!
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