The Kotesky's and Higgins in Indy (many of you remember Shelby was in the hospital when BJ was...she is doing great!)
It has been an amazing week and a half! We have covered so much territory and God has been sooo good to us! We have been afforded the privilege of reconnecting with many precious ones!
In the picture above, we had lunch with the Kotesky's right before our book signing. It was so good to see them again!
I sit here in Ohio right now, before our final engagement of this trip. Many of you know of the McMahan family that have blogged as "On our knees." Well Deanna and I have been fortunate enough to spend a couple of days with them here in Ohio before we head back to Oklahoma.
They have set up an event in Wilmington that many have been invited to. Promo's have played on the radio in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati. We are unsure what to expect, but are excited to see what the Lord brings!
Yesterday at our home church - Northside, was incredible. Deanna sang and I got to share and it was amazing. We saw so many old friends and made many new ones. We were greatly blessed to sell many books as well.
At our book signing, we sold out of books that the store had purchased. They ordered several more while we were there, and we signed cards that will be affixed inside the front cover. We met many new people and got to see some family we had not seen in a very long time. The surprise of the day was that two of our nurses from St V's showed up! They came as a a result of seeing the tv interview. We were so incredibly excited to see them!!!
It has been such a blessed time. We are tired and a bit uneasy thinking about the long trip home.
The fellowship has been so sweet, and the presence of the Lord has been with us so significantly. We thank you all for your prayer support.
God bless each of you, and we hope to write regularly again beginning on Wednesday or Thursday.
Take care!
It was truly a blessing to see you and hug you!! Ali was right, you both give great hugs of love! Keep spreading the love --- it's contagious!! Especially when He is centered in it! Praying for safe travel and some much needed rest for you both! Vicky
We had the opportunity to hear BJ's story at Calvary church in wilmington last night and it was wonderful! His life was shard with such joy for the Lord! God Bless You!
So glad you are having a blessed time! I am just returning from an international business trip which took an unexpected twist due to a health problem of mine. I had just finished your book on the plane. Had it for a long time but as the story progressed toward victory I just had a hard time continuing to read until then. Hours later I found myself on the floor of the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, my heart being shocked time after time by my ICD/pacemaker implant, thinking it was because of heart trouble and not the faulty wiring it turned out to be, fearing the end of my days here. I was thinking about meeting Jesus face to face and seeing BJ; peace and calm filled my consciousness. He is an Awesome, Merciful God we serve.
Mark \0/
Mark, "from Hudson"!!! There you are ... we were trying to contact you to come down here while the Higgins were here!!
Praise the Lord for how He cared for you away from home.
Maybe we will catch you sometime when we are up there. Do you need anything?
Continuing to lift you both up Deanna & Brent as you walk through these days.
What a TREMENDOUS blessing you are to us.
We love you!
Thanks Tami, I'm fine now. The Lord did send so very many wonderful people to help me. So very blessed I was. My email is mjohnson81@alumni.indiana.edu (sorry Mr. Boilermaker! lol)
Brent and Deanna-
It was so good to see you and have you sign our books at Northside. It is funny how God brings connections in life- I used to live in Wilmington, Ohio and went to Calvary Baptist Church! I didn't know you were going to be there or I would have sent out more people who would have liked to have heard your message! (Another funny connection I noticed we have is that my dad lived in Corbin, KY(until last Nov.) where BJ went on a mission trip) Please know that all of you are in our thoughts, prayers and conversations quite a bit. (We missed Lauren and Whitney!) It is so encouraging to see the path God is leading you and seeing you step forward with the mission.
(Marissa, Marley and Ethan Balog's Mom :-)
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