Monday, March 02, 2009

inside the Tepez village of the Karamojong...but please look again... at the child peering out from darkness, in the doorway

We live our lives at the fastest pace in the history of our country. Our expectations are that we will receive immediate gratification for needs and desires. Our children, even more so.

With this in mind, it is far too easy to miss the lives lived in darkness that are watching, waiting for intervention. The ones that seek us out are a bit more obvious, but the ones who hide in fear, or behind self imposed or constructed walls are next to impossible to find, unless we are seeking them.

On both of my recent journeys, I encountered people (mainly children) who had never seen a white man. Some stare out of curiosity, others run away with fear and trembling. One such child, screamed, ran into the family hut, and slammed the door. Wailing could be heard from behind that closed door.

Wailing can often be discerned behind the closed doors of peoples hearts.

We must learn to detect the brokenness amid the chaos, camouflage and clutter of everyday life.

There are those who are watching and waiting for the right timing to approach us. There are far more who will never come that close. Oh we may speak to them each day, we may even shake their hands, but they will never step out from behind the veil of secrecy, until we give them a reason to approach.

What do we do to open that door? How do we allow them access to what we have, that they do not?

If we are racing through our daily agenda, we will miss them. If we do not allow for unexpected delays in the timing of our schedules, their voices will not be heard. If we are not willing to yield our time, it is possible their only exposure to the Savior will be at the judgment seat.

I heard the heart of a young lady this weekend, who had kept an unbelievable schedule the days before. Her body cried out for sleep, and she was going home to get it. Upon arrival to her bed, she was contacted by another in need.

Since it came in the form of a text message, she had two choices. She could engage or remain silent, and meet her own need.

She chose to deny herself.

Her choice meant a life-line to another. Her willingness to remain available had a significant impact and brought glory to God.

Don't give in to the lie that your own needs won't wait. There will be time, or the Lord will help rearrange your schedule in such a way, that the things that are truly important will get needed attention.

Many of us need to re-prioritize our lives. Often, what we perceive as important leaves no room for what He sees as important. If our lives are about bringing Him glory, then allowing Him to change our direction is a significant option.

Learn to actively watch for those peering out from behind closing doors. Being useful to Him brings greater fulfillment than promotions or raises. Those choices impact eternity.

A job should not be our life. It should be a platform from which we learn to minister. Only those who truly seek to follow Him will understand the difference.

Meet the need in someone's life and see how your own priorities change.



At 1:03 PM, Blogger jordan.kilmer said...

thanks for sharing Brent.

I really appreciate these words of wisdom.

At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen and God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder.

Lisa Potter
Santa Cruz, CA


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