Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jared, Whitney, Lauren and Weston

Beginning Sunday, I will be preaching a revival at Calvary Baptist, in Lindsay, Oklahoma. This will run from Sunday through Wednesday. Please pray for those the Lord seeks to draw to Himself, to respond to His voice. Please pray for Deanna while I am away. Please pray for safe travel for me.

Weariness, struggle, lack of focus, financial difficulty and/or physical ailment are all things that plague the body of Christ.

These are real. They can be incapacitating.

We don't want them to be. We fight diligently to keep them from overwhelming us. Sometimes the fight is hard.

Did you watch the Winter Olympics? I am a fan of Curling. There is so much skill and strategy that goes into this competition. I identify with the call of the shooter when they haven't slid the "rock" fast enough. They scream "HARD" to the scrubbers with the brooms.

If you didn't watch, this makes no sense. If you did, perhaps you can relate.

There are those times in our lives when it would be comforting just to have someone with us, recognizing our struggle. When our heart cries out "hard, hard, hard," they jump into the trenches beside you to battle for and with you.

Too many of us feel we are battling alone. There is no visible presence of those who seem to care. Often, if someone is nearby, they don't really understand what we are going through or we cannot put into words what our needs are.

We feel alone.

That is a daunting, desperate, and an overwhelming sensation.

What do we do? Where do we turn? Who really cares?

We are not alone!

We have access to the Comforter!

Jesus tells us (in John 16:7) very plainly that it is beneficial for us that He leave. We want Him right here with us in physical form, but He says that when he does leave, the Comforter - Counselor - Helper will come!

He comes in the form of the Holy Spirit. He comes to convict the world of sin! He comes to allow the spotless Lamb to go to be with the Father! He comes that the enemy might stand in judgment! (John 16:8-11)

His presence brings us peace. We have trial but are taught to suffer well. We have difficulty, but have one to lean on. We have brokenness, but have a Savior to press into!

Often, in our struggle, we become so inwardly focused that the obvious is not apparent to us. In this case, the promised Comforter is present! Not only is He present, but He is speaking to the heart of the Father on our behalf! His word teaches us that He lives ever to intercede for us (Rom.6:26, 27, 34 and Heb 7:25)!!! He is before the Father, pleading on our behalf.

He is in affect, in the trenches crying "Hard, Hard, Hard" when our own utterances cannot be spoken in cohesive words.

Our God is HARD at work, on our behalf! Take courage! Be of good cheer! Our hearts are His, and He is ours! He has made a way, and we cannot escape His hand!

His blood covers sin. His heart of compassion holds us in our weakness. He is speaking to the Father on your behalf, even now!

You may not see Him... yet... but that day is coming! Until then, He is guarding, guiding all the way! Press into Him! He can handle your load and mine. Amen!



At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny, but I came across the verse "God is greater than our hearts," (1 John) last night. When we are in situations that seem overwhelming we become emotionally involved (of course, how could we not?) and this verse just reminded me that not only do we want to look outwardly, but we want to be looking at Him because He is so much bigger than us and when we say, "Father, I don't know what to do and I really need you," we invite and allow him to work on our behalf.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how true. Struggle has been the theme of my life lately; came seemingly from nowhere. An in the midst of it, when things seem darkest, the Spirit reminds me I am not alone. He is with me and the sun will again rise and I can trust Him; praise Jesus! Sometimes this reminder is a song, a verse or a random request from someone about how they might pray for a brother! Seasons change, life moves in new directions but He and His love is constant.


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