Tucker's first Christmas!
This Christmas will be very different for Deanna and me.
We were blessed to have our girls and their boys in our home for a few days, earlier this week. We had a great time together. Being together with family at this time of year is extremely important to us.
However, this year, Deanna and I will experience something we have not experienced since before we were married. We will be alone at Christmas.
We love spending time with each other. But, almost 29 years of the Christmas season with our family, has us aching for that tradition to continue.
This year begs the question what is Christmas to us?
Is it about time with family?
Is it about getting gifts?
Is it about giving gifts?
Is it about lights?
Is it about time off of work?
Is it about feasts?
Is it about Jesus?
For many, this time of year brings on depression because they cannot or do not have the ability to have Christmas as it is portrayed in television and movies.
They cannot give enough because they have little to offer.
I think that is why I love the "Little Drummer Boy" song. Here is a great example of giving.
He gave not money, or material possessions. He gave from his giftedness, and it was more than enough.
When God chose to send His one and only Son so that we might have eternal life, He gave us ALL we would ever need. In Him, all needs are met, though we routinely try to meet them with that which will perish.
Those who recognize this do not get caught up in the 'Santa Christmas' our country would have us believe.
Doesn't mean there is not a gift exchange, but it does mean they truly celebrate the birth of our Savior above all else!
God the Father gave a gift that could not be replaced. He gave His one and only Son. He gave a piece of Himself because of His deep love for us!
In some small ways, ways we have understanding of what this means.
Though perhaps, we did not "give our son" as God the Father did, we did nonetheless, give our son. We gave him to our Savior when he was born. We sought to give him to the Lord each day. He did not belong to us.
At times, we clung too tight.
At times we failed to hold tightly enough.
Ultimately, he would honor the Lord with what he had. Like the Little Drummer Boy, he gave what he could. He gave it willingly.
I wonder if I have that same attitude this time of year?
I do find myself clinging tightly to Christmases past...with family.
I plainly see Christmas around a tree of red lights (Deanna's favorite), with hot chocolate and music proclaiming His birth, while my three children look with great anticipation at all that is about to be unwrapped.
This year, we will see the lostness of a city that has been handed over to the enemy where violence runs whatever course it chooses. We will proclaim the Truth of the One who was born to suffer and die that these same offenders might have eternal life.
So too, may those who are caught in the crossfire of the enemies unwrapping schemes.
Christmas is not about my ideas or traditions alone, though they are included.
Christmas is about letting the truth of a baby born to give all, move us to the point of doing the same.
We give because He gave. We suffer because He suffered. We have eternal life in Him.
Thank you Father for the gift of Your Son, Jesus!
Thank you for my Salvation!
You are my King!
love from Your child,