Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Since first hearing the Hymn, "It is Well With My Soul," I loved the song. For as long as I can remember, I have been one who was more moved by worship music than preaching. Though that has begun to change in my life, this song is still very meaningful to me.

When I heard the story behind the song and it's author, my love for the song only grew. To know that this man had lost his family on a sinking ship in the high seas was overwhelming to me. I often tried to put myself in his place. I wondered what it would be like to lose everything dear to you, and still pour out your life in worship to the Savior.

I have often reflected on this in my adult life. Perhaps I have reflected on this more over the last year or so. I did not come close to losing everything dear to me. My wife and two wonderful daughters bring me so much joy. I know I write primarily about BJ, but that is because he is the inspiration and purpose behind this site. It is truly not that I care more about him than I do my girls...all three of them.

Do I love Jesus enough to pour my life out as a worship offering if I lost them too? Job did. The author of this song did. I know that some would not, but I tell you honestly that we have heard from many who felt they could not carry on if they had undergone our circumstances. I do not know if that is true or not.

I do know that if Jesus is the main thing in your life, then your life is already a love offering to Him. If it isn't, then change needs to occur. We encounter many things in life that we do not understand. When we were young, it was common for many of us to take on a "I'll take my toys and go home," attitude when things did not go our way.

As you grow in Christ, He prepares you for specific paths. Paths that may not be illuminated to you now, but will become clear as you draw nearer to them. If Jesus is enough to call on as Savior and Lord, at the point the Holy Spirit brings conviction in your life, why would He cease to be enough when the storm clouds began to brew?

He is sufficient to deliver you through whatever happens in this life. In 2 Cor. 1:8, Paul wrote, "We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life." My family and I certainly walked out these words. We understood their meaning in ways we did not think were possible.

The return of joy in our lives we thought would never come. Still that joy seems to abandon us from time to time. But body of Christ, His grace is sufficient. Where He leads you, He will give you the ability at the very least to collapse into his arms. His love for you is truly incomprehensible at times. When it seems He has discarded you, in truth, He is with you. He still has authority over your circumstances, and he remains present...always.

Keep your eyes on Him.

There are two families at present (and many more I am sure) that are in need of your prayer support and encouragement. They are walking the long dark valley of the shadow of death, and fear does lurk. Please lift them up.

Vince was in an accident and stopped breathing for several minutes. It is unclear whether or not He knows Jesus. Please visit and encourage this family.

Karen is also in the hospital. She was having breathing difficulties, and has now been put on life support. Her husband is weary, and needs your prayer support.

Thank you for lifting these before the King of Kings!



At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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