Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I was standing in the back of the moving truck when I heard his harrumph! I looked over at the elderly man standing on his front porch behind tall snow drifts. My new next door neighbor proceeded to greet me with an obscenity laced tirade.

There was no welcome in his voice. He was annoyed. He wanted only to express his displeasure.
One of the precious people who had come to help me move, had inadvertently parked in such a way that their vehicle partially blocked his driveway.

The thing was, you could not see his driveway. It was drifted shut, and no vehicle had come or gone since the snows end two days before.

I apologized to him, and told him we would get it moved right away.

He retreated back into his home, and I got busy getting the car moved.

Perhaps "cabin fever" had set in and he found no pleasure in the current circumstances of his life, but saw only what others were potentially keeping him from doing.

As I tried to process what had just happened, I thought of how many times I have made a poor first impression. I let my own frustrations boil over from time to time and the result is usually one that brings a sense of embarrassment and shame.

I was embarrassed for this gentleman. I do not yet know his story, but it is clear he has needs.

As a believer there are many times that we have the opportunity amid frustrating circumstances, to reflect the love of Jesus. It is what sets us apart. Sometimes we have to work at it, but over a period of time and growth in Him, it becomes second nature. Things we don't like happen, and rather than respond in anger, we are patient, and respond with measured words and emotion.

This kind of reaction causes others to take notice. They will even question how you are able to react in such fashion.

When we see someone lash out in anger, it is a symptom of another issue...a cry for help. One they may not even realize they are making. What will our response be?

I know I need to be available to the man next door. I do not know how or when it will happen, only that I need to be ready. I don't expect it to be fun. It will probably be difficult. But I need to be there when my Savior leads.

Isn't it interesting how many times the reactions of others are easier to identify and respond to than diagnosing our own issues?

I am thankful to have Christian friends. Those who help support and encourage when all else tries to bring defeat.



At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, is that neighbor in for an AWAKENING! One of the many reasong you are to be there.
Am praying for you and your family daily.

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear how the Lord uses you in that man's life. what a blessing it will be for him!!

So true, it is easier to see others "problems" than our own. Oh, that the Lord would help us to deal with our own "stuff" so that we can be more capable to guide people through theirs, knowing how they feel and what they are going through. Please open our hearts, our secret compartments where we "hide" our stuff, and guide us through the dealing and healing process, Lord Jesus, so that we can have victory in You, and that we may be clean to be used by You! In Jesus' name...Amen!

Praying for you in pink...always!

Linda Anderson

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are all fallen, and from time to time we can all be less than Christian. Perhaps you caught this gentleman on a bad day...he is probably embarrased by his actions...he may become your best friend some day...who knows?

God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we all are looking at this all wrong.. Maybe the Lord is going to use this gentleman to Bless the Higgins in a way none of us would expect. Let's all pray for this man and praise the Lord for him.

At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an awesome journey Kaeli!! That was an incredible testimony, and I am so thankful you shared with us! God bless you!

Linda Anderson


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