Friday, April 20, 2007

It has been an interesting journey, writing on this site. Obviously, it began as a method of getting the word out about our son during a very difficult time. It was a place of tremendous prayer and encouragement. We sensed the Lord was doing a great work in and through our time here. It was and is a healing place.

It went through a phase where it became a place for prayer requests to be shared and for the body of Christ to intercede on behalf of many who needed a covering. That was a blessing to us as well. That has seemingly ended.

Too often recently, it has seemed more of a desert place. A place where fewer and fewer gather, and have less and less to say. A place that you want to grow out of and get back to that mountain top, to visit face to face with the Almighty.

The truth is, we continue writing here regardless of measurable impact, because the Lord has not released us from it. It is not a small responsibility to do this so frequently. There are times (as with any role we play in life) that I would love to walk away from it. To invest in a place where the difference you make is more obvious. That would be wrong. It would be self serving.

The Lord has used to grow us, heal us, encourage us, and call us to continued obedience.

We continue to hear from many of you through email, myspace, facebook, etc. about what is going on in your life, and how God is using you. We are very thankful for this. We also continue to hear that God is using this site, even though it cannot be seen, to further His kingdom.

We are most thankful for those of you we know are out there, that the Lord is blessing and using. Your faithfulness and obedience is making a difference for the kingdom.

So, for those who feel sadness, pity, or perhaps that this should end soon, as its following has trailed off, just know that we do not write to gain or keep a following. We write out of obedience. If we are not faithful in the small things, how can we be trusted with larger things?

To catch you up, the book is at the publisher. It has been there since Easter. It is due out in January of 2008. We are very excited about it!

I am headed back to Mexico for a set-up trip on Monday, and will return Wednesday. On Thursday, we go to Indiana for Lauren's graduation (from Indiana Wesleyan Univ). We will move her here to Tulsa for the time being. She is waiting on the Lord to reveal her next steps after her India trip this summer. We won't be back in Tulsa until Monday night (April 30th).

Whitney completes her sophomore year at IUPUI the week after Lauren finishes, and will come to Tulsa for a few days with family. She will return to Indy to work and then go back to school in the fall.

As always, we will continue to write when we can. Perhaps Deanna will write while I am away.

Thank you for your prayer support.



At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your postings daily and they have become an important part of my life. I apologize for not writing often - many days, I have found myself pondering your words throughout the day. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences throughout the last year and a half. It has been so encouraging to read your words throughout this journey, to see God in the midst of it, and that it is possible to live victoriously in spite of various circumstances. Thank you for your obedience to write and share.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please do not think we are tired of this blog. I read daily and have grown spiritually. There is encouragement and needed gentle conviction at times. Your family seems to represent the modern model of a christian family living in the world but not of the world. I look forward to the release of book and I intend to give it to my children and youth leader. God has given you and BJ a gift with words that touches people's hearts. This site helps keep me grounded in my priorities and it also makes mission trips seem more alive and appetizing. When you can hear about all the fruit that is produced out of these trips it softens the heart to be more like Jesus. My heart for the lost has never been greater since reading this site. I have been praying for your family since the first email from MercyMe. I don't usually write but I do look forward to the entries and I soak in what is said.
Thank You for sharing. It isn't always easy to see the ripple effect.

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where two or more are gathered, there He is amidst!

As blogger #3 today, I sit in the presence of that Lord with you all! Every morning, I invite him into my heart and ask Him to speak to my heart through what you write and through other devotionals I read daily! You would be AMAZED at how God lines up each devo, in which I consider your writings to be of the like :) They all line up and make a huge impact on me, my day and on others!

Thank you for your obedience ... not just to write --- you have to know that if you were not obedient from the beginning to raise your children in the ways of the Lord, there would be NO BLOG! I pray that you'll take time to reflect on what God has done in YOU in order to do all of this through your son and all of your children! Ya'll are an AMAZING inspiration to SO MANY ... I know that you give ALL glory to the Lord, but I thank you also for taking on the responsibility of that - that is no "simple" task, but it is a very profound one!

My life has been forever changed by BJ's and yours ... I'm praying for you as you pour out your heart before the Lord and a body of believers who are so unworthy of His love, yet as freely as He gave His life - He always freely gives His mercy and Grace!

I am humbled ... and on my knees for a nation who needs it so desperately - and for the nations who are so impacted by ours.

God is GOOD ... ALL the time!

Praising Him with you today,

from San Diego

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are times when God seems to be testing our resolve to continue in the things that He has led us to. But your steadfastness in writing this blog has changed my life, and the lives of many others. Changing just one life causes the angels to celebrate. I do have some information to share that may show a little bit of light on the difference you are making. I started reading this blog about 4 months ago, and I view it everyday about 10-10:15. This is my drafting class, and we are allowed a time on the internet for research and the like. Over the time that I have read this blog, one thing has always stood out to me, BJ's, your's, and your family's readiness to jump at the call of the Father. This has been a struggle in my life for a long time. I would receive a call but had to know with absolute certainty that I was ready in order to step out. But recently this changed...God has called me to be a minister not as a pastor but to minister in a strange, not normally thought of as a ministry area. God has called me into the military. I am jumping into the water now...and the peace experienced by its rushing flow has revived my passion and quenched my "thirst". Praise God.
Thanks for all your family does.

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this daily and I cry with you, laugh with you, and grow with you as you write what God has led you to write. Many times God as confirmed through your writings what He is saying to me. Thank you for being obedient. I keep you and your family in my prayers. I cannot imagine myself going through the things that you and your family have gone through. May God bless you.

At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent, I stop by here daily and read, pray. It's like my morning coffee. I enjoy, sometimes savor, the flavor, the warmth, the refreshment. Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable but mostly it leaves me encouraged. Thank you for your obedience. You have my upmost respect for daily sharing your heart so openly and eloquently, not that it means much, strangers as we are. I've often posted anonymously, especially since bj has gone home. I've not felt like I quite measure-up to his example and courage. So I hide. I pray for you, Deanna, Lauren and Whitney everyday and will continue to do so whether you post here or not. I would miss your thoughts greatly if you were to stop writing but I respect what you and the Lord decide. What you have shared here has deeply impacted my heart and changed the way I approach each day and I'm certain that is true for many. I am grateful for that. Wish I could give you a big 'guy hug' (with the appropriate slaps on the back! lol). These pitiful word will have to do. God bless you and your family.
Mark Johnson
Hudson, OH

At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent - I have never met you but got an email from Bart of Mercy Me asking for prayers when BJ first got sick. We live in Greenville, TX which is where Bart is from.I like all the others that have written today have found a peace when I read your words, It is the first thing that I do and it helps put the rest of my day in proper perspective. May God bless you as you make any decisions regarding this site but know that you have made a difference in my life and the lives of my family. We are stronger christians because of your words that have drawn us closer to OUR God and Savior. Thank you again from the bottom of a very greatful heart. God Bless You and Your Family.

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure what continues to draw me to your site...its like the previous blogger said, its my morning cup of coffee. I've missed only a few mornings since its creation. I am like many, I yearn for God's presence, but all too often become too preoccupied to notice Him. This site, my bible study group, my bible readings (that I intend to do daily), and my prayers continue to draw me closer to Him. Should God take you to another venture, I would understand, but trust me, your words obviously make an impact on me. God Bless,

Greenfield, Indiana

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't quit writing. You are a blessing and inspiration to everyone!!

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for what you are your family do on this site.

At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found your site this week b/c of the MercyMe CD. I love reading your blogs! Like the others have said, it speaks to me and I think of many of the things you've said throughout my day. In just these few days I'm already being stretched and encouraged. Another thing its actually motivating me to do is journal. I've heard from so many sources that we should journal, but I've never really done it, but reading your blogs is making me want to try which I'm sure will take me deeper and farther in my walk than I ever have, so thank you!

I write the monthly (or so) newsletter for the christian martial arts school my family attends. And you're right, I don't do it for the responses I get back occasionally, but those responses I do get back, even if they are a short note, are so very encouraging. So I shall try to comment, that you can "know" how much you are impacting our lives!

Thanks for your wisdom and your obedience!
from Honolulu

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, have the morning cup of coffee with you, Brent, and the Higgins family! There are days that I read and I know that the Lord has used you to reveal Himself. Other days your postings and the comments reveal that prayer is so needed for others. Then there are the uncomfortable postings that make me grab my Bible, to further my understanding.

He is working through this blog. He is reaching others and touching sooo many. You are His instrument and He has given you an amazing gift. Thank you for being obedient so that we can continue to be enlightened by what He says, through you and your family. May He continue to bless this ministry.

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the others, I never comment but am drawn to this site every day. I feel like I know you and your family and consider you friend.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Marti Pieper said...

I haven't been with you from the very very beginning of the blog.

But I've been here a good long while.

And I know you know how God has used BJ's story to touch and change my life. Through it, He has blessed me with new friends, provided me with new prayer partners, deepened my walk with Him, and even multiplied my ministry in ways I never would have anticipated.

Just about one year ago, when you were moving from Indianapolis to Tulsa, we were trusting God together for His guidance and watchcare. I know we can do the same with this blog. When we acknowledge Him in ALL our ways--and I know you are seeking to do that daily--He really does direct our paths.

Thanks to all the Higgins (including my friend BroBrad) for sharing, as the prophets of old, at many times and in diverse ways. Standing beside you in prayer and love to see all He will do in days to come,

with tender love
and prayers in pink,


(and your "new" Blogger doesn't seem to like my "Praying in Pink" account so I'm back to my name again. . .)

At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Brent,
Thanks for continuing to write on this site, even though it might not always be fun for you. I am not always able to read this site daily, but I do every chance I get. It is a big encouragment to me. I appreciate very much your openess to what God is doing in your lives. On many different occasions it has caused me to think about something differently, or spurred me into action in a certain area of my life. I also feel like I can be closer to you guys and know you a little better, even though I am far away. I know how to pray for you more specifically. So for all these reasons, and a bunch more that I don´t have time or space to write, thanks a bunch. I will continue to pray for you and your family, God bless and talk to you later,

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I went to an event last night called "Carmel Idol", here in Indiana. I saw the advertisement poster at the school where I work and it sounded like a really fun way to spend a Friday night. Little did we know we would leave that program feeling blessed beyond measure. It was in fact "Carmel Idol", there were 10 singers, 3 judges, voting and the whole bit. However, I believe the purpose of the night was to lead people to Christ through the story of your son, B.J.. I had never heard it before and it touched my heart in a tremendous way. It had to have affected others the same way it affected me, making it a very successful night for the Kingdom. There were so many people there and the young lady doing the presentation (I believe she was from Student Venture) did a wonderful job. The evening led me to come home and do a search on B.J.. This was the first site I came to and am again extremely blessed by your writings. Your family is now a part of our prayers. God Bless!

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent, thank you for sharing this with us! I, among others who have commented, read this almost daily. And I refer this site to many people, knowing that when they come here they will find Love, Truth, and an what it looks like to know and pursue and be pursued by God. It is an amazing thing to see you still writing, and it has challenged me and provoked thoughts that might not have been provoked anywhere else. You and your girls help keep me grounded in so many ways, and I am very thankful. I think about you guys sometimes, and each time am drawn more to pray - not only for you, but for everyone. Even though words are technically the only thing seen here, they are a reflection of actions of Love and passion and real Life. Your humility leaves me speechless.

"...that you may know the love that surpasses knowledge and be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God..." Ephesians 3:19

At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading this blog. I started about a year ago and have never written before,but felt that there are probably hundreds like me out there. If I don't have access to a computer for a while, I check this site before my email. Just wanted to say I love your writings and they are encouraging.

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't express the impact you've had in my life... God has a way of using these writings to give me the right message at the right time. Please know the incredible thankfulness I have for your work... and that I continue to find here something that helps lead me closer to Christ.

Be blessed and protected on your journey... you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

At 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't leave us. We are still here and we wait on the word that God gives you to share with us. You and your family have become apart of our lives. We know you, better than you know us, it would be a tremendous loss if you stopped writing. I don't always have the opportunity to post but I am here to stay connected to the family of one of God's greatest treasures. BJ Higgins

Pat Davila
New York

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to add another post from someone who reads this blog daily and gains so much from it.

I am guilty of not responding and I apologize but please know that your words impact me and my life.

Also, each day as I read your words, I take time to pray for each of you. I pray that God blesses you, holds you closely, and, each day, fills your day with sunshine and grace.

Thank you for being obedient to God. Because of your obedience, you have blessed my life.

At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Brent and Family,

I, like so many others have mentioned,read this blog daily. On those rare occasions when I don't get on the computer, I always go back to read any postings I missed, including the comments to see if there are any prayer requests.

Your writings, and God's word shared through them, have helped my faith grow, my understanding of God's word grow, my willingness to do a better job of seeking God's will grow, and my trying to look at things in a more positive light grow. Your family's willingness to share so much of your sorrows, struggles, joys and victories has helped me and so many others truly appreciate what it means to open yourself up to God's guiding hand and what it means to truly surrender oneself to Him. I know that you must do that daily in order to get through another day without BJ and I know we are all supposed to do that so we can be open to God's call in our lives but I think I have a much better appreciation for it now since reading this blog since about when it first started.

I continue to pray for your family and also check the website for Josh and Shelly Buck since it was shared on this site and pray for them and the amazing challenges they are facing. So, don't think your sharing or this blog isn't touching others' lives because it obviously is. That said, I can also totally appreciate that it takes effort, much thought and prayer to continue to post so often and so fully understand if you feel God is calling you to now spend those efforts elsewhere. I would miss these postings tremendously b/c it is my daily devotional but I don't want to be selfish!

Prayers and blessings to all of you.

At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading...
Still on our knees...
Still running for the King with you!

Blessed in SO many ways...God does that with obedience! Thank you for your true example of Christ-likeness & Bond Servant example.

Love hearing from family!

Continue to run well!

We love you.

In Him,

P.S. So great to hear from YOU Mark in Hudson!

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Alot of us "daily readers" just not daily bloggers!! Perhaps you need us to write back more often to give you encouragement too, instead of just taking it all from you for ourselves. This has been an incredibly difficult year and your words have been a blessing!

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying for you Higgins as you have so much going on. Graduation, summer stuff, and just learning how to live the "new normal" of life. May the Peru adventure be a true blessing in the rarest sense of the word. May you find a real closeness to the spirit of what BJ accomplished there, and lived for, while you yourselves are there. God be glorified!!

At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Higgins,
You just needed to write a note like this to get everybody writing again!! I am glad that you got a good response. I pray that this will be a great encouragement to you!!
You ARE loved, even when we don't take the time to write!
A long time friend from Arkansas

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny!!! You have no idea what God is doing through you. If you can't figure it out... I guess all these comments mean you still have to get up every morning and meditate on what God is revealing to you.
I love it when God is the only one who knows!!!
Still laughing... see you tomorrow morning!

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when i see someone going thru hard times, i refer them to your sight. your sight often says things i can't put into words. the shock of losing someone takes some time to wear off, then the depression sets in. the shock wears off, the depression does not, but we learn to live with it. as you learn to live without your son, thank you for sharing.

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At 3:32 PM, Blogger Mai said...

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At 2:07 PM, Blogger menna said...

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