Wednesday, August 08, 2007

For any of you who have not seen the cover to the book on BJ, you can go to, and in the search box, do an author search with Brent and Deanna Higgins or a title search with "I Would Die for You." Then you can click on the cover and it will take you to a blurb about the book. Again, it is due out in January. We are very excited!

We sent in the re-edited/corrected manuscript yesterday evening, and believe our part to be nearly done. Woo-Hoo!

Being back in the states and getting back to work in the office to start work on the next series of trips must be a bit like coming down from the mountain after meeting with God, for Moses.

How quickly we see the lostness and darkness of our world. Not that it wasn't apparent while on the mountain, but then we were doing something about it. Now is about pulling together and devising new plans, drawing new battle lines.

On Sunday, my pastor reminded me that the mountain top is barren...nothing much grows there. The valley is fertile, moist and poised to lend to significant growth. Each mountain top I've been to in North Africa, Peru and other places has proved this to be true. Yet I prefer my time there, over the rich fertile valleys where growth is abundant.

Growing is painful, dwelling usually is not.

A key for me and others who share this experience, is learning to dwell, during the growth.

The vastness of the deserts I have seen in the last two summers have been significant. Yet, even in them, the lowest points where water sheds and streams form produce the growth that is absent elsewhere.

There are many modern or trite ways to say it. Something like, "time spent in the valley prepares you for your next mountaintop experience." Living our lives proves this to be true in most cases.

What is the difference between those who know exactly what to do when they get to the mountain and those who flounder?

Perhaps its an unfair depiction of Peter, but if you remember his reactions and words on the mount of transfiguration, he made little sense, and was so overwhelmed by the circumstances that though he was dwelling in incomparable light, he was uttering foolishness.

I can't speak for Peter, but I know in my own life that I must take advantage of the growth opportunities that the Lord provides (while in the valley) if I want to have understanding, wisdom and leadership ability when I crest the acme of the next mountain.

Much of what I experience in life is preparation. At times I am so eager to leave my source of nourishment, that I end up stumbling about more like a blind man, than a wise man. Those who know me, know I am often in a hurry and have trouble being still for long. I've certainly been guilty of encouraging others to do likewise. My own children are something of a reaction to this.

My family likes to tease me about "trying to hurry the cars in front of me so that we can keep on schedule," when we have no schedule.

Many times I do the things I do out of selfishness, not out of wisdom or with a real agenda to keep.

When I get to the mountain, and I my vision improves and I can see deeply into the things He is showing me, I have those "Aha!" moments where I wonder why I didn't get it in the valley. It seems so obvious. The clarity is so pure and real up there. The valley tends to be densely foliated, and perhaps it blocks my view...or perhaps, my own stubbornness and lack of joy in the journey clouds my vision where He is leading.

The point is, I need to pay less attention to my geographic position, and more attention to direction of my view. If my eyes are on Jesus, He is leading me...even "through the valley of the shadow of death."

It is by His strength, wisdom and leading that I will maneuver through the difficulties of life and be prepared to bless the lives of others. Stepping out on my own in attempts to accomplish things for God produce no fruit or eternal value. I can't be following Him if I am too busy leading self.

To be adequately prepared for each step in life, I must remain spliced into the "Root of Jesse." Nourishment is more abundant in the valley. Perhaps that is why time on the mountain is always too brief.

Stay connected to the Vine.



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