Whitney hauling limbs during Hurricane Katrina relief, Thanksgiving, 2005.
I am not sure that this hurricane hasn't had an impact everyones life. Most have stories of those they know that were either impacted or involved in the relief effort.
I still remember hearing about Katrina while we were in the hospital. I remember seeing the news reports of it beforehand, seeing the unfolding story played out on the news, and then seeing the aftermath up close during Thanksgiving.
For us it was the other tragedy going on. I confess our attitude toward all that was happening was not what it should have been. We were a bit pre-occupied, of course, but somehow all the coverage left us feeling a bit discarded.
That is so selfish, and certainly wasn't true. We were surrounded by many of the blog family, our own church family, and of course our closest relatives. Still, the intensity of hurt during those times is only amplified while watching the tragedy of others unfold.
We tend to be so selfish by nature. Always feeling like our circumstances are the only ones that matter. Always believing our own pain to be greater than that of another.
It was so good for us to see the level of loss experienced by the Katrina victims. Not because they deserved it, not because we compared it to our own, but because it brought us to the reality of our own selfish disposition.
Now over two years later, I'd love to announce that we are "no longer selfish!" That would be a significant lie! Learning to live life as Christ lived...as a servant...unselfish...yet being selfish with His time alone with the Father, is something we continue to strive for.
We aren't very good at it I'm afraid. We have a long way to go. We keep trying...little by little. I thank God that He is still in control and that continues to draw us towards Him!
Yesterday we had the privilege of sharing at New Life Baptist Church here in the Tulsa area. Deanna and Lauren sang, and I spoke. We missed Whitney being with us, but are so thankful for this precious opportunity. Forgive me for forgetting to share it with you so that you could be praying.
I am reminded of the tragedies that continue to unfold in the lives of others. We need to continue to pray for David's family after his home going. I was also informed of a 15 year old young man in the Indy area who hung himself in his garage...I cannot imagine the families depth of pain.
You have been a model of unselfishness with your continuous prayer support and encouragement. Thank you for showing us Jesus!
God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana
Somehow we all seem to underrate our own selfishness, so thanks for saying that. Love you dad!
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