Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Brad is home, and doing pretty well. He has been fighting off nausea and light headedness. He is on pain medication and is anxious to get back at it. He had his rotator cuff repaired. A hole had somehow worn through. He also had his bicep tacked up as it had begun to sag. I'm not really sure what that means, but am told it is more a sign of age than fitness. I'm sure he will love me for pointing that out...however, I am older, so if his are sagging, my are most certainly drooping.
Thank you for praying for him!



At 9:37 AM, Blogger Marti Pieper said...

Thanks for the report, Brent. The Piepers are continuing to pray for Bro. Brad. Anyone who knows him and/or has read his posts here knows of his genuine love for the Lord, his tender heart for people and his faithfulness to serve without thought for himself.

Continuing to lift him and the other Higgins up as well,

in pink
with tender love,


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update brent. Praying for you bro Brad. Hitting 50 this wk myself. Lots of sagging going on in Ohio too my friends! lol \0/


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