What my Father in Heaven has called us to do...
I have needed to spend the past couple of mornings preparing for a youth event called MORPH that begins tonight, and carries through the weekend. I have the privilege of speaking tonight and again Friday night.
I am always excited when the Lord provides these kinds of opportunities. Speaking to students about life in Christ and through Christ brings such peace. I know it comes from Him.
Being able to be a part of the molding process for young people is what Jesus intended when He told us to 'let the children come unto Him.' We are supposed to be there to help show them the way. A way that few find on their own. Our intervention is intended to reveal Christs heart for them...a love that many may not experience without us doing our part.
How awesome our God is for allowing us to take on such responsibility! He taught us first to pray and then to act. During the praying, our hearts are conformed to His and He then ministers through us. For this, I am most thankful!
I pray we each look for the opportunities in our communities, churches and para-church organizations to get involved and help the children to 'come unto Him.'
In small ways or large, we each impact the lives of our youth culture by our actions, our reactions, our assistance, our example, and our time. We are accountable to Him for how we use the time He has given us.
If we each seek to make a difference in the life on one young person today, we can begin to turn them to our Father. It can be challenging, but is rewarding and well worth it!
We need to intervene while we can. Our investment will multiply in their lives and the lives of others.
First we have to begin.
Thank you Lord, for allowing us such a privilege!
I was blessed to hear your family's testimony at GracePoint along with my husband this passed Sunday. I wish that everyone in the world could hear that testimony! It is so moving and heartwarming and I know would bring so many believers back to Christ and non-believers to know Christ. I have passed your book on to several people already as well as shared your testimony with my office and would love to know if you are back in the Dallas area to share your family's journey again in the future.
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