Friday, March 13, 2009

My missionary brother, Larry Singletary talks with the head of the Somali Bantu clan in a Divine Encounter. A woman in the marketplace responds to friends.

Saturday morning March 14th, Deanna and I will be leaving with two teams for Mexico. One team will minister to the Totonac Indians in the mountaintop villages of La Cruz and Cerro Grande. The other team will spend the week ministering in Nuevo Laredo. Over thirty people are going on the two teams and we would appreciate your prayer support. This is a Spring Break trip and we will return the following weekend.

I would like to share that on Friday, March 27th at 9:00am, I will be interviewed on national television. The Harvest Show, which is part of LeSea Broadcasting, has asked us to come. Unfortunately, Deanna will not be able to go. I will update you, closer to that date.

I absolutely love the visitations of the Lord on the mission field. He comes in such power and presence!

Though I was not there, we had a team in Nuevo Laredo just after Christmas. On that team was a youth pastor who had come without his students.

He was sent to pray over a blind man who was ill. He had been raised and was on staff at a church that doesn't believe that healings generally happen today. He was apprehensive about going to pray for the man. Primarily because the leadership were not going with him and he was out of his comfort zone.

As he prayed for the man, the Lord moved. The man began to cry out, "I can see! I can see! I can see!"

Stunned, the young man was unsure what to do or say or think. He could not imagine returning to his congregation and sharing with them that as he prayed, Jesus healed.
They did not believe such things happened today.

They do!

It is not uncommon, especially on the mission field, to see such things occur.

However, our own country seldom experiences such movements of God. We have become much like the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 12:38 and on. Many of us struggle with faith, and take on an attitude of "show me a sign, then I will believe." No sign is given to us, as we have already seen His Gospel and know it perhaps better than any other land. Yet, we fail to live it.

We seek to embrace the 'best life now' attitude, and ignore the promised suffering of believers. We even dumb down the definition of suffering to mean, "our wants weren't met."

We have been blessed with so much in our country, and much is expected of us. Yet we have become satisfied with less than His best, and do not engage in life changing ministry.

Then we act surprised and disillusioned that we are not seeing miraculous moves of God or revival in our land. These things will not occur until we begin to walk in His obedience... that turns fear into faith.

He still does gives dreams and visions. He still does miraculous works. He still draws the lost to Him. He does so in lands where the need for Him is recognized. He desires to more here in our land.

We live in a culture that believes the answer to most problems is more money. It is what we teach our children to pursue. Many "Christian" parents discourage their own children from becoming pastors or missionaries, because "you won't make a decent living doing that!"

We can serve Him best by working to turn this tide within our own families. By doing what He calls us to do, even when culture says it is foolish or too dangerous. By serving Him with our whole being. By seeking Him with our all.

I do believe it is possible for revival to break out all across our land. Unfortunately, I think we will have to suffer much before this occurs. Until we begin to view who He is as we should, and begin to live for Him as we should, and truly deny ourselves as we should, He is not likely to bless us with the uncommon visitation of revival.

I know there are pockets here and there. I have even seen the beginnings of His blessing. We have far to go, and we will not earn it by being successful by worldly standards.

Obedience can turn the things we are fearful of doing, into the faith that keeps us focused.

"...present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Rom 12:1-2



At 8:38 AM, Blogger Marti Pieper said...

Amen and Amen.

Praying as you go and sending His love to our dear friends there,

in pink
with tender love,


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Marti! AMEN!!!

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God be with you on your trip.

God Bless.


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