the children...it's about the children
Last night, I heard from a young woman who was a student of mine many years ago.
We'll call her Aubrey. She grew up in a home that was centered around Jesus. Early in the time I knew her, she was seeking Him. Later, she began to struggle and I feared for her. I feared for her because she had grown up with everything and she began to want more. She wanted and was intrigued by what the world had to offer.
After several attempts at finding the right man, she got into a relationship with a young man who was the lead singer of a band. This band was very talented musically. Four of the young men had come out of my youth group. They helped lead worship, week after week.
It was not long before this band was signed and began doing shows around the world. My son was a fan. I was a fan.
Their lyrics were filled with hope, though their style of music and the venues were quite the opposite from mainstream Christian bands.
Aubrey ended up marrying the lead singer. He had been a young man with an evangelists heart. He even preached the word at times, and did so with amazing clarity.
Over time, this lifestyle and schedule, rife with temptations, began to chew him up.
After a year or two of success, he got out. It took him quite awhile to work through the failures and difficulties that stemmed from his experiences. His wife was there to work through these with him. Those were very difficult days for them.
The enemy is the master of guilt and oppression. He is adept at ruining the witness of Christian men and women who attempt this lifestyle. I have spoken with others who got out, and say that the road is an evil place and so are the buses that cart these brothers from city to city.
Aubrey had experienced her own failures. She was not proud of parts of her life. Through the growth and struggle, her heart had been to bring glory to God. Her practice had been different.
Perceived fame and promised fortune are elusive, yet sought by many in our world. Few can handle it's intoxicating impact and accompanying emptiness.
Not too long ago, Aubrey began to see things turn around. Her husband was on the right track again. He had dabbled with another band and the idea of things being different. Instead, God's call prevailed and he accepted a position as a youth minister, where he currently serves.
Aubrey became pregnant and the excitement an enthusiasm of this young couple grew along with their faith.
During this time, her church had been planning a trip to Israel. Aubrey felt she was to go, but could not, being pregnant. God told her to pray for a miracle. She began to.
Then tragedy happened. She miscarried!
Heartbroken, she tried to find her way.
God spoke to her. She heard Him say, "I have plans for your future."
Simultaneously, another participant in this trip had to unexpectedly drop out. That person went to their pastor and said I had a dream, and you need to ask Aubrey if she would go.
The door opened, and a couple of months ago, she went to the Holy land and walked where her Saviors history began. She was overwhelmed with all she saw, and all the new insights she had into Scripture. The crevices of her heart were filled with Truth in new ways.
Before the trip, Aubrey, a trained Cosmetologist, had been compelled by God to quit her job for no apparent reason, and she did so.
Upon her return, her heart filled with the newness of Christ, a door opened before her. A national tour was about to begin by a famous female recording artist who has been all over the news headlines for one failure after another.
She was in need of a make-up artist. God saw that Aubrey was that artist.
She had learned much about the pitfalls of the road with and through her husband. She had experienced the ugly side of life while trying to walk out a believers life.
God had led her through much pain and difficulty and called upon her to take these experiences and use them for His glory.
Aubrey is now the make-up artist who is going out of her way to minister to the brokenness of this young and famous vocalist.
Aubrey whose heart had been painted by the restoring blood of Jesus Christ is now on tour with and painting the face of, Britney Spears!
My God seeks to draw the broken to Himself. We are His conduits and useful in assisting Him to bring restoration. Our past failures and trials help to build a testimony from which He can minister. Though He did not lead us into temptation, He did draw us out, and seeks to use our very lives...if we will get out of the way.
I pray for and praise God for Aubrey...her platform is significant and her ministry vital. We need to surround her and lift her up!
God is so so good. Thanks for sharing Brent...How God positions us in people lives in incredible to me, even when the journey may not make sense to alot of us. Love you guys
God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana
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