Deanna in Indiana
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and are enjoying a most Happy New Year!!! We had a great time with family!
Yesterday, I sat beside a little boy in church. He had his cars and transformers out to play with. He kept himself occupied throughout the service. I enjoyed watching him.
When the offering plate came by, he toyed with the dollar bill he had been given. He straightened it out, flipped it over, and held it with pride.
When the plate came to him, he did as he had been trained, and then passed it on.
I remember being that little boy!
When I was little, I was usually given pocket change to put in. That was a lot of years ago, and pocket change was worth a lot more then. Still, I remember being given a dollar bill from time to time. When I held it and then put it in, I felt like I was really contributing!
That was great training for me. My parents, always faithful with their tithe though it was a real stretch (with 4 kids), realized the importance of giving from the first fruits. I watched and saw them do so, and wanted to participate.
My opportunities then, came with what change I could put in the plate, as it passed. I remember wanting to be able to hold the plate unassisted. I knew I was being trusted as a growing young man, when I was allowed to hold it.
Such a small thing had such a large impact in my life. Knowing that my parents found it important to be obedient to the Lord through giving, fostered training in my own heart.
I looked forward to the day I could give.
When that day came, I confess, it found me with a begrudging heart. I did not think I could afford to give. I would soon learn, I could not afford to NOT give.
By that, I do not mean that the Lord holds it over my head if I don't.
I mean that the blessings and miraculous ways He provides for us when we give beyond what we think we can, always amazes me. For me, that meant giving at all.
We serve a mighty God.
I am so thankful to see parents who are investing in the lives of their own children, by teaching them to give.
More is derived from giving, than will ever be experienced by receiving. Yet, so few seem to understand this.
There is not much point in holding our money in tight fists. It already belongs to Him. When we fail to give, we miss out. Receiving should never be the motive for giving, but when we do, the blessings He pours out cannot be measured.
I am thankful for that little boy beside me. He helped me remember how much of a blessing it is to give. He blessed me by giving. He blessed me by just being himself.
I praise the Lord for my godly upbringing.
Parents who know the Word and follow it, pass on Truth. Parents who pretend, don't.
I recently read your book, "I would die for you". I am a fifteen year boy. I must admit that I am pained to see that my brother in Christ died at the same age as me. Although I have never been a fan of reading, this book has changed my life and I thank you for writing such a beautiful book, no matter how much you have gone through. I am truly sorry about your son and I am sure that if he were with us today, he would be doing all of the things he loves to do. May God bless you and your family.
Icaro Santos
Hi Brent and Deanna,
Your post reminds me of 2 incidents of children giving to the Lord... When our son, David, was 4 yrs. old, I was playing the offertory song on the organ, and he was seated on the second row, kind of in front of me. As they started to pass the plates, I saw him opening up my wallet and putting some bills into the offering plate. I messed up on a few notes, as I was running it through my mind, trying to remember how much money I had in there! I decided that I hadn't had more than $20 total, so "we" gave some extra offering that day!
Other story: Our church in Deer Park was collecting money in one of those big Ozarka water bottles to buy Bibles to take to Costa Rica one year. A little girl, about 6 or 7 years old, reached in her wallet and pulled out some money to put in the jar. Then she shook her wallet over the jar, emptying every last cent that she could, to donate for other children to receive a Bible. It was so touching to see her generosity.
Well, y'all stay warm, ok? Talk to you later!
Love, Jolene
I have also just read the book 'I Would Die For You'. It truly amazed me how much BJ loved the Lord. He was an amazing young man.
Thank you for writing that book. I am sure that the book has helped many people when they have been in a hard situation.
Yours in Christ,
Jake Pearse
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