Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Years ago I was driving down the road listening to a Christian comedienne and she got me so tickled that I had to pull over. She was telling a story where she was getting ready to speak publicly, but at the last minute decided to touch up her fingernail polish, then of course, had to go to the bathroom and was having a little difficulty pulling up her panty hose.

Liz Curtis Higgs, a very funny lady, is one of my favorite authors. She’s delightful to read and it’s insightful stuff. I taught through her “Bad Girls of the Bible” book (she’s also written “Really Bad Girls of the Bible”) and right now I’m re-reading “Mad Mary” about the very misunderstood and misinterpreted Mary of Magdala.

The title comes from the fact that Mary was demon possessed until Jesus drives them out. Thereafter, she is a faithful follower of Jesus and the first person Jesus, the risen Christ, appears to on that historical Easter morning. Jesus’ treatment of women is revolutionary in a day when “a woman’s words in a court of law were never trusted and had to be validated by two men.”

Whitney bought “Mad Mary” on my birthday 5 years ago and she wrote to me on the opening pages. It was quite a sweet find of recent. It even had my birthday card in it with all three of the children’s messages to me penned in it. I smiled and remembered and voiced an excited and heartfelt prayer of thanks. I just have the best children any mother could hope for!

Higgs gives a fictional account of the characters, then a Bible study – that’s the format for the “Bad Girls” books and “Mad Mary.” It’s fascinating and just plain fun to read, with her “girlfriend” references and her personal antics. What we can learn from girls who are “bad to the bone,” “bad for a moment” and “bad for a season but not forever” is surprising and challenging and inspiring. I just love books that help you see truth in a new light.

Why are we drawn to “bad” characters? And why is it no one wants to be the “good girl”? Cause it’s no fun? What a lie “guess who” gets us to believe.

It happens over and over. A star who is known for being “good” purposely does something “bad” to balance out their perceived reputation. We must fit in with the popular notions of acceptability.

All ancient lies from the same source. We are so easily deceived. The media bombards us with all kinds of nonsense. The only way we can combat the barrage is to fill our heads with truth, every day. I love music but I’ve also taken to listening to podcast sermons. There are some pastors out there that are incredible: humble teachers and proclaimers of God’s living and active word. Always measure their words by The Word and you’re good to go.


At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. You have a blessed spirit.

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so encouraging. thank you

Love you!

At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that you have a great day. You and your family have been a real blessing. Thanks for writing.

At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great find! Have a blessed day!

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