Lauren, Beej, and Whitney at our home in Carmel, Indiana.
We men can seldom understand the depth of a Mother's love. The connection that exists between Mother's and their children is a bond that is unique and indescribably different than any other relationship.
Too often, the children in that relationship don't fully understand it.
There is something that happens when a woman carries a child within her womb. A connection that nothing else in life compares to. That a Mother would go through the agony of childbirth and then the moment that it is over forget the pain and be filled with maternal love can only be likened to what Christ did on the cross for you and me.
To endure significant pain and suffering and then to lay it aside and virtually never speak of it, but only to speak from the depths of the heart and consistently extend grace to their child cannot be considered similar to any other human relationship.
Mother's are unique, they are very special. We never will give them their due, no matter how we try.
My Mother tolerated much in me, for far too long. Yet she loves me without condition, and again shows me the ways that Christ loves me. I can hear her words echo in my head at key moments in life. The things she would say, and the time she would take to utter them, when a rebuke was probably more in order will never be forgotten.
I have also watched Deanna raise three precious ones in a similar fashion. The connection she longs to have at this point, especially when she cannot be near them at times, is not one I completely understand, and I long for each of my children to be close.
I love them, and love spending time with them, but she aches for them to be present, and hurts when she isn't able to talk to them.
I have a better understanding of how my own Mother feels when I see the depth of Deanna's desire. I try to be a better communicator as a result. I'm still not very good at it.
I have been in awe of Deanna's strength with the losses she has suffered. Lesser mom's would be bitter and hateful towards God and those who remain nearby. Even as I write, she is sitting next to me asking me questions from Scripture, "Do I remember this?" "Do I know where that is?" She goes on to retell stories from her perspective, with her compassion and Mother's heart. "Things are so understated in the Bible," she says.
Her life is understated. Her accomplishments go unrecognized to most. She is amazing. She pours into me and into my children and seldom do we fully appreciate the time or the heart that she empties herself from.
The Lord knew what He was doing when He ordered our lives. He gave us Mother's to love us most similarly to the way He loves. Too often we take that for granted. Too seldom do we offer up heartfelt thanks. Rarely do we step up to express ourselves the way we should.
We tend to be quick to find their flaws, and slow to see the good they have taught us. Rapidly we spew poison tipped barbs and seldom do we shield them from the attacks of the enemy or ourselves. We fail them and they love us for it.
My Mother and my Wife are the two women in my life that have had the deepest and greatest impact. Watching them, teaches me more about Jesus. Seeing the way they love, draws me closer to them...closer to Him.
A Mother's love is second only to Christ's.
I am significantly blessed to have them both.
Thank you Mom, for way too many years of loving me in spite of myself. Always being there to offer guidance and support, no matter what that meant! Enduring hardship because of me and/or beside me, and not ever marking out the difference.
Thank you Deanna for loving our children and me. For showing them love always. For not being afraid to speak your mind when reason had left the room. For pointing each of us to Jesus by the way you live and the way you love.
I Praise God for you both!
with all of my love,
I have had the privilege of meeting both of these special women. I know they have had amazing impact on the Kingdom of God. I also know that mothers--hurting, hoping, broken or blessed (or any combination of these) are precious to Him.
Lifting up the two Mrs. Higgins and the many other godly women out there. Happy Mother's Day to all!
praying in pink
with tender love,
I like your comparison of a mother's love for her children, and that of Christ's love for us. How often only He can truly understand us.
My youngest (who is autistic) once told me, "Mom I'm glad you're not dead and your hair smells!" Translation: Mom I love you and I like the way your hair smells. I'll always treasure that little sentence even though most people wouldn't understand what he really meant.
Happy Mother's Day to you all.
Lisa Potter
Brent that was so beautiful. No greater gift can a mother receive.
During a time when I struggle to be single, this blogs makes me ache for my children and my mother :) My Mom and I do not have the best relationship ... I love her so much and just pray for her to see the light! I have always been the black sheep, and Christ setting me apart from the darkness just makes that more of a reality in my family, but it's a reality I would not change because I believe in the Father's will! :)
I hope and pray to be like the women you have described in your blog ... single or married, I desire to be the strong woman with confidence in my Lord that HE calls me to be! There is purpose!
My love to you,
Laurel Lynn <><
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