My friend Sam in Huamachuco, Peru
Yesterday a young man who was very special to me was killed. Very recently, he sat in my living room and told me how God had moved in his heart and that he was to go to India to serve for 13 months.
He had just graduated from Oklahoma State and was thrilled to be serving the Lord in this way. The future before him was bright. His plan was well thought out and organized. He was certainly going to make a difference in this land!
During the summer of 2007 he had served under Lauren on her India team. He was a significant part of the leadership God had allowed me to raise up. He was one of the kindest souls and had a true gentleman's way about him.
Others were very responsive go him because he was so respectful.
I tried to recruit him for leadership for this past summer, but he knew God had called him back to India. His enthusiasm was contagious! I wanted to go with him. Just the kind of young man you want leading your teams.
He was heading home from a small group that he and a friend were leading, when he had a wreck on the motorcycle he was driving. He had been very excited about the bike. He bought it there in India after he arrived to get around the busy city.
He was killed instantly when he became trapped under a car. The passenger on his bike is in the hospital with a broken femur, pelvis and brain damage.
Both of these young men were involved with the same ministry. They had worked hard to raise enough support to spend this time in the land God had called them to.
Won't you please join me in praying for the young man who survived and both of their families?
It is so easy for bitterness to set in. We must fight against it for them.
There were plenty of people who thought he should not be doing this, but should begin the high paying job he was qualified for. He saw it from the Lord's perspective and knew he had to be there! We had talked of utilizing his leadership skills after his return.
I had multiple conversations with him. He was a sponge. He devoured conversation and discussion about the things of the Lord. Now, he is in His presence. The One he sought so diligently now embraces him.
His name is Justin Magers. He had a significant impact on the men of the OSU campus. He had a huge impact, with his servant heart and attitude, on the members of the India 2007 team. He had an enormous impact on me.
I praise God for his life. He spent it for his Savior!
"You never know why you're alive
Until you know what you would die for.
I would die for You. . ."
Justin knew.
Praying for his injured friend, his family, and friends/fellow missionaries who loved him as a brother,
in pink
with tender love,
While I have not seen Justin in a few years I considered him a close friend. His heart and drive to please and succeed was very evident from an early age. That he was helping others and changing lives is not a suprise to me. His love for his family and friends and that face looking at me taking in every word; I will not forget. May God Bless Justin and his beautiful family.
Coach Ben
Justin was an awesome guy...and he took very good care of my sister in India.
God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana
Wow, nice words Marti... not that I don't listen to the song everyday... sorry.
I'm praying for them, Brent. Keep us updated, if you can. Praying for you and your family, for everyone close to you. God Bless your day.
<3, Leslie
Sorry to hear this difficult news. Praising God for a life lived to the full for Him. And that continues now in His Presence.
Mark \0/
I pray that God will keep His hand on Justin's parents and his sister, as well as the rest of his family. That those of us who knew Justin will never forget his smile, his quite personality. He acted on his desire to serve the Lord, to go to the fields for the harvest, and we are each truly blessed to have known him. May God embrace him and may he bask in the glory of the Light of our Lord.
God Bless, Greenfield, Indiana
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