along an alley of the mountain village of Biscucuy, Venezuela
The Lord has provided for our transportation needs and we are most thankful!
I now drive an '07 Toyota Tacoma, Pre-runner! It's red. I know, watch out for speeding tickets in a red vehicle. Of course, that is generally only if you are speeding.
I have the "in with the new" now, but I need to get the "out with the old" part taken care of. I need to get rid of my old '98 Malibu that failed.
It's always easier to add new things in life than it is to let go or get rid of old things. At least its that way for me.
Deanna and I just celebrated 27 years of marriage. I am so thankful for her and her love for me. It's hard to believe it's been that many years. For me, they have gone by quickly. For her, well, she's had to learn to tolerate a lot of "new" things along the way. She probably wishes she could unload an "old" thing, part of the time.
We have seen many new things come in our years together. Births, anniversaries, marriages, friends, even deaths and much more. Most of these we hold as precious. If not for the actual event, then for what is represented by the remembrance of the event.
We are blessed to have experienced as much in life as we have. We have seen far more of the world than we ever expected or hoped to.
It is often the old things that are difficult for me to let go of.
That includes relationships. I am terrible at keeping up relationships when we are no longer in close geographical proximity. Yet, these are most precious to me. That doesn't make much sense.
Life doesn't make much sense at times. I think I get too task oriented and lose my relational drive. Selfishness crowds into the landscape as well. I want time to myself, and when the tasks become too many, I withdraw from relationship. This is not a good thing, but it's probably a reality.
I am headed out this afternoon to "unload" my old car. It will be nice to be out from under the mental burden of the whole situation.
I am enjoying the 'new to me' vehicle. I am wondering what took me so long to get a truck. What a guy thing to say. Funny how lifelong desires become action after such an acquisition.
I am so thankful for a bride who understands me. I know she tolerates me probably too much of the time. I do love her for that. I am blessed to have a relationship with one who no matter how long we have been married, is new every morning!
It's much like my relationship with Christ. There is nothing old about it. I get stale, but the relationship does not. He is the author of new. He has taken an old relic and found worth and value, and continues to give me purpose. Sometimes, my drive doesn't match up to my purpose, but I am working on that.
I am glad He does not discard me like I am about to do with that old Malibu. What an honor to serve one who loves me more than I can possibly love Him. Though I feel "old," He sees me as new and vital, and necessary. I praise Him for that. I trust Him to bring completion to this journey... whenever that comes.
Praise God for life, for love and for the "joy [that] follows swiftly on the heels of obedience!"
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