where his ashes lie as a symbol of hope... and underground churches spring forth from the Father's touch...
I cannot believe it has been two weeks since I posted. Things have been so busy.
I made an unscheduled trip to Mexico last week to set things up for our team over Spring Break. It was incredible to see the hand of the Lord meet us there, and direct encounters in such a way, as to maximize His glory! Only He could schedule others I have never met, into my time to secure our upcoming ministry.
We will have the opportunity to minister on both sides of the border in Laredo/Nuevo Laredo. Over 100,000 have fled Mexico and now reside with friends and family in Laredo. A church planter there is taking on the task of setting a schedule, along with my contact in Nuevo Laredo. We will reside on the US side of the border, but will walk across it to nearby plazas to do ministry, as well as help plant new churches in Laredo. It will be amazing!
I have a friend who is in a battle to follow Christ. In his life, he has a tendency to go the direction of the "prevailing wind."
If he is getting positive feedback from believers, he follows them. If he gets it from 'wolves in sheep's clothing,' he follows them. It seems whoever is singing the loudest in his ear, has his heart and attention.
He knows this is contrary to Scripture, but he tends to disregard that, while justifying or rationalizing his decisions based on how he "feels." The Gospel takes a back seat to interpretations of those who have adjusted it to fit their selfish desires.
He has begun to believe lies. He is listening to those who walk a path most similar to what he desires from life. He is being misled.
This amplifies the reality that each of our minds are a battlefield.
I do not wish to dismiss this brother. He matters. Neither do I have the time or energy to consistently "sing the loudest," for him.
I commit to praying for him, and I do what I can to speak into his life. However, he must learn to respond to the Truth. There are seasons of being surrounded by a "great crowd of witnesses," but much of life leaves us more alone.
I must learn to respond to Truth. I have to fight to do so. I have to resist the schemes of the enemy, which is the allure of the world, to stay after my Savior.
I know it has to break our Lord's heart to see such floundering among His own. I am thankful He never forsakes us. His grace is extended to us in spite of our many failures.
Some of us seek to be in roles of leadership or high profile positions because we think we can best impact others lives that way. What happens too often, is we end up failing in a more public way.
I see this in my friend. Sometimes watching my friend is like looking in a mirror.
Rather than seeking the spotlight and affirmation of others, we need to seek the Lord. He will bring us to the places He desires for us to serve.
Just because opportunities open before us, does not mean it's His will. We must be daily surrendering. Daily seeking Him. Daily denying self. When we walk routine obedience, we are far more apt to recognize His will and direction. When we walk to the beat of our own drum, we will seize opportunities that we have not been raised up to fill.
I don't care about position or title. I care about following the heart of my Savior.
Though I am tempted at times to seek the affirmation of others, His is all I ever really need.