Nana and Tucker
We just returned from Houston, Texas, where I had the privilege of addressing faculty and students at Houston Baptist University.
What an amazing time! God revealed Himself in power, and many responded! We were humbled to take part.
A couple of months ago, I got a call from the Spiritual Life Director at HBU. He had read our book, and knew Deanna was an alum. He asked us to come and speak at a convocation September 7th. We agreed but did not know what to expect.
The University has added a great deal to their campus since Deanna's days. The Theater building I spoke in found me on a Broadway sized stage. I looked out at a beautiful main floor, with two mezzanines, box seating and a balcony. It was quite a venue.
There were over a thousand people in attendance. The signs at entry doors begged those who entered not to text or talk during the convocation. Privately, I was told that this has become a routine problem.
There were no empty seats on the main floor and mezzanine. I was told the students received two credit points for their attendance.
The cross section of students blessed me. People from all over the world and many faiths were represented. There were many Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jews among the many believers present. Having the privilege of speaking on behalf of my King to this many people groups was an unexpected blessing!
Proclaiming the Name of Jesus to those who do not yet believe, regardless of where they are born is amazing. But, being able to do so with so many nations represented was indicative of the Lord bringing the nations to us.
Many of these have stated they are treated better on this Christian campus than they are on secular campuses, and that is why they have chosen to attend this University.
Deanna and I were able to observe the interaction and love from believers to those who have not yet accepted the Truth. How incredible!
Speaking to them was a pinnacle experience for me. This audience was highly attentive. They hung on every word. We could have heard a pin drop at most any moment that I paused. God was at work.
I have never had an audience anticipate my next words the way this group did. On a couple of occasions, they even finished my sentence for me. The interaction was anointed.
As I concluded my time, I challenged believers to place their lives on the altar of sacrifice and allow the Lord to have complete control, to direct their paths.
I was deeply humbled at how the Lord had penetrated hearts as hundreds of them stood to their feet to make proclamation of their surrender.
Next, I addressed those the Lord was drawing to Himself for Salvation. I encouraged them to seek out one of these standing believers to begin a dialogue about how to be in relationship with THE ONE TRUE GOD.
The Lord had compelled me to do so, and the staff were thrilled and stood in agreement at this opportunity being placed before the many student believers.
I understand, that at least one Muslim surrendered his life to Christ immediately!
I have shared this message many times, but have seldom seen a move of God on this scale. I am completely in awe that my Lord would allow Deanna and me to take part in an event where He so completely revealed Himself, and did so on the campus she spent years on.
Her joy was overflowing. She had prayed hard for the Lord to do so.
He heard. He answered. He moved! She is so thankful!
When we completely surrender before this Holy God, He uses us to accomplish things beyond our ability to imagine.
Praise His Holy Name! Just Praise Him!
I am in Awe.