Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Please be in prayer for Brent, Deanna and the AweStar team in Peru. They are scheduled to fly home tonight at 11:30 p.m. Unfortunately, there is a national transportation strike scheduled to have begun today meaning that getting a taxi or bus to the airport isn't likely. Brent reports that the only way to get to the airport in Lima will be with a police escort -- IF they can get one.

We know the Lord can work out the details. Please be in prayer that He will do so and that regardless of what happens, the team will stay in good spirits and find opportunities to share. They have had over 4,000 people pray to receive Christ over the past few weeks and run out of commitment cards over and over again (they hand these out to the people making decisions to receive Christ), requiring them to get more printed several times. There is no doubt that they have had an impact and will continue to while there. However, I'm sure that they are ready to head home too!

Once they return to the states they will be together for a few days of debriefing before they go home. Deanna will start preparing for the fall school session and Brent will fly right back out to Panama for to join a team there for 10 days.

Please be in prayer for the team as they try to reacclimate to the world at home. They will be coming from a mountaintop experience (literally and figuratively) and now move back into a familiar world that they will find frustrating. They move from a complete focus on sharing Christ to trying to balance responsabilities at home and school with this same goal. They are leaving a society that is generally thankful for what little they have to one that is full of people unhappy and unsatisied in their excesses. Their friends and families may not appreciate their changed hearts, changed focus...their fervor to see others come to Christ. Please pray that they will not be discouraged and that they can continue to live lives that exemplify Christ in all that they do. Pray that their passion for Him will not be suppressed or extinguished.

There are also teams from Uganda, Chile, Panama and South Asia either winding up ministries or on their way home. Please continue to pray for them as well.

Thank you for being a part of the Body of Christ and lifting up these servants in prayer.



At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying Brad! \0/

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Marti Pieper said...

The strike ended at 10 and, at last report, the team was on its way to the airport earlier this evening. Praise God and thank you for praying for the Peru team and all the others.

Thanks again, Brad, for filling in so wisely while Brent's been away. I will continue to lift him up as he prepares for Panama!

praying in pink
with tender love,


At 10:09 PM, Blogger Marti Pieper said...

(10 am, not pm). The team had a great day of shopping today!



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