Kuna Indian children in the jungle of Panama, touch their first hairy arms and bald head!
Brad, thank you so very much for an epic job of writing over the summer! His writings took us over the benchmark of a 1,000 different blog postings! I never would have believed it! God has continued to bless and pour Himself out onto the pages of this blog, through the obedient and humble heart of my favorite brother! You are amazing!!!
Well, we are home!
35 days with our Peru team, and 10 days with the Panama team, and now?... rest?
What an amazing Christ centered summer. We have seen lives changed among us, everyday. Between 3,000 and 4,000 surrendered their lives to Christ in Peru, and somewhere between another 500 to 1,000 did so in Panama! My God is unbelievable.
We celebrate the obedience of the teams, and the way God moved in and through them. Unity came, the power of God on display overwhelmed us at times, and the peace that surpasses all understanding is ours, upon reflection.
Deanna and I will lay low this week. She returns to school already on Friday! I am not too thrilled about that...neither is she, but we are both so thankful for her job and the lives of the children she gets to pour into!
I will be speaking at a church here in Oklahoma this weekend, and then will head to spend some time with my family next week. I won't be returning to the office until around Aug 17th.
My writings may be hit an miss between now and then, but I wanted to thank you for your prayer support over the course of this summer. We could feel the covering you prayed out and are most grateful for it!
I truly do not know where to begin as God did sooooo many things this summer. I am so thankful to serve a Creator who loves me so much and demonstrates that love by how He fills me. His timing is always perfect, even when I think He is moving to slow.
We are thankful to have had teams serving Him in Chile, Panama, Peru, South Asia, and Uganda this summer. All are back safely, and trying to work back into their lives and routines. There is nothing routine about the things God did.
Reentering our US culture is often the most difficult part of these experiences. Not that we are ungrateful for His provision here, but seeing the level of mediocrity and general lack of interest in the things of God in our own country is disheartening.
When you walk in His power and see Him move mightily, the last thing you want to do is engage in arenas where few people seem to care.
I am thankful for each of you, because you do care! Thank you for being a listening ear, and open hearts to receive from the Lord what He wants to reveal.
We are looking forward to rest. We are looking forward to hearing from you. We are thankful for Jesus and His compassion for the lost...and for His own!
Until later,
God Bless,
Greenfield, IN
I so hope to serve with you again, this summer in Peru was truly amazing. I understand now more than ever the distractions and attitudes that can keep us from focusing on God. Looking forward to seeing you at IGo.
I want soo much to be entrenched in God's work and see His Glory being lifted everywhere I go and in everything I do. Why is it so easy to serve elsewhere? Why don't we see the needs right here as urgent? We will go elsewhere ready to serve with obedience. We come home and wish we were there again. Where? EVERYWHERE, but especially right in our own communities. Life happens daily and distractions are many when at "home". Can we expect less from our God at our homes and in our communities? Let's continue His works and glory with the same commitment and obedience - at home.
Crawl up into our Father's lap, rest in the warmth of His love and be restored by His comforting touch.
Brent! Welcome home! Thanks for investing in our students! You and Deanna are a huge blessing to us! It's amazing what God has done this summer!
Mike Lehew
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