Thursday, November 04, 2010

This picture was taken in the summer of 2006 when I met this young lady. She had been a faithful blogger during my sons hospital stay. Her name is Katie.

Our lives would become intertwined.

A few months later, she would join our missions staff. She worked here for several years while finishing her college degree. We led teams together. We planned mission trips together. We laughed and cried together. We worked shoulder to shoulder.

Deanna spent many months in Bible Study with her. The two of them grew in their relationship for many reasons. One of them was that Katie lost her Spirit filled mother to cancer, when she was a young teen. She and Deanna grew close.

She and my daughter Lauren became roommates. They lived together for a couple of years.

She is like a daughter to us. I have written about her before. Her father took me hunting a year ago and on his land I harvested a huge buck. Katie and I led her father on his first mission trip, prior to that. He and I have become good friends. We catch up routinely, and share stories.

I got to talk to her on the phone today. That is significant because she now lives in the Central Asia. A land many would believe hostile. She is on a journey for her Savior that will not be denied. Her father knows it, her brothers know it, we know it, and she knows it.

There is an anointing on her life. It is unmistakable!

She has been in this mission field for a couple of months and God has flung open the doors of opportunity for her to share her faith in this "closed" land! Her opportunities are amazing! Even one of her supervisors expressed a tinge of jealousy over the amazing ways God is allowing her to impact this culture for Him!

She is doing what she was created to do... bring honor and glory to her Savior!

When we don't walk in that sort of obedience, we don't experience the fullness of His joy!

I am not saying we are all called to Central Asia. I am saying we each need to approach the throne of Grace with the attitude of submission and obedience. When we do, the life we lead will be one reflecting His glory to those around us! We will be selfless and focused as He is, on meeting the needs of others over meeting our own desires.

She is, and will remain one of my heroes of the Faith. She is 30 years my junior and has claimed the fondness and affection of my Savior... and me!



At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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