Deanna, Pastor Tito and me (in Chimbote, Peru)
My brother (and his dogs) arrive today. We are excited to have some time with him!
Having family decide to come and spend time with you is always a blessing. I find I long for it in ways I never had to before... at least before we moved out here. There are family members we have not seen in a long time, and this is not easy for us. We hope to work out opportunities to connect with each of them.
Taking a look back at the year thus far, I am amazed at the incredible opportunities the Lord has afforded me. He has seen to it that I have been able to serve Him in seven different countries.
I talked previously about this being a time of reflection. It seems each September comes and brings with it fresh views of past memories. This month brings the fourth time we have done so. Each time finds us dealing with things a bit better.
We have had the privilege of seeing God do amazing and powerful things in the wake of BJ's loss. Lives around the world have been touched by what God continues to do with "I Would Die for You." He has seen fit to pass our book into countries we had no idea it would ever reach. He is calling believers to obedience each time.
Doors are opening before us into worlds we never expected to set foot in. Being able to touch lives in these places is incredibly humbling. It's also intoxicating. We are so thankful that we serve such an amazing Savior.
To be honest, the friendships we have had to leave behind, have not been replaced. As a result, we have grown very close to each other. I sometimes tremble at how much I love my wife, how much we enjoy each others company. The closeness we have before the Lord, amazes me. I cannot imagine trekking through these memories, these new experiences, without her. Our time together is precious to us. We tend to be protective of it.
We are constantly aware of the role the Lord has played in all of this. This is not a path we would have chosen. It is our path, and we seek to bring Him glory as we press through it.
We have encountered so many who are experiencing pain at such deep and troubled places. We do not take them or their issues, lightly.
I am certain that had BJ known how many lives would be touched by his life, he would have been humbled... overwhelmed. Can I just say, so are we. We are absolutely in awe of how God has used his brief life to speak so much truth into others experiences.
The ministry that has grown from his obedience amazes us. The obedience that has grown from his ministry is inspiring.
I have been studying a great deal recently, the issues of idolatry, and how difficult it is for us to fully surrender to Jesus.
As a father who has struggled to understand how his son could do the things he did and lived the way he did in a world that doesn't do likewise, I must say, I see so much Christ in him, and so little of how most of us cope or deal.
His passions, his love, his attitudes, all reflected that he had released his grip on finding his treasures on earth. He understood what it meant to 'store up treasures in heaven.'
He routinely heard from the Lord, because he was not holding onto idols in his heart. He was seeking the Son of God.
Many sons follow in the footsteps of their fathers. Few fathers seek to follow in the steps of their sons. I am trusting that Jesus prints, are beneath them both.
thank you for this blog today - it speaks deeply to my heart- gilbert.
I would love to be there with you,Brad and the dogs. I know you will have a wonderful time. Marla says it is time we have another reunion. Sending much love your way.
Aunt Maralyn
Hi Brent
I haven't posted in a long time and went for quite a while without reading the blog but have picked it back up again about a month ago because I truly missed how your posts filled my heart and how what you share brings such glory to God.
We have had several changes at our church. I have gone through and managed to make it through a very difficult situation at our church where Christ was not glorified nor was His grace or compassion shown to me in this particular situation. However, our new pastor started as of yesterday and my family has become friends with their family (they have a son the same age as our oldest--12) and I feel very confident that God has called him and his wife, who is also a pastor, to our church for a much-needed reckoning. I don't think it's going to be easy but is definitely needed. I am hoping down the road that we will be able to bring you to our church to share, as I had once hoped.
Many blessings to you and your family during this always difficult month.
Cedarburg, WI
So glad that Brad and the dogs are coming for a visit. I know you'll treasure the time together.
Cousin Becky
i am still praying and thinking of you often
love stephanie
Thank you for sharing His heart in you with us. I do not take lightly the words that appear on this blog. Today is no exception from that, especially as I prepare for three surrendered and delightful months in India. I love you guys, and pray for you when He brings you to mind. Enjoy Rest.
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