Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I want to share a letter I found that BJ wrote to a friend. To be honest, I am trusting that under these circumstances, if she reads this she will be alright with my sharing it, since it reveals no confidences. I truly have a sense as I read it, that BJ was speaking to more than one person, trying to bring comfort, and Truth to those who need it. Please be encouraged as you read.

Remember who you are. Who you are in God's eyes-the true you. The daughter of the King, the princess made righteous by Christ's forgiveness and the Holy Spirit dwelling within you. We have to remember, as Paul stated, that it is our flesh that sins- that doesn't talk to people when it should, or that says the wrong thing or that allows Satan to gain strongholds--and not ourselves. Remember that your life is a battle between your flesh and yourself.

As to "why do people like me" comment which has come up before several times-- well, you're a cool person, whether you think so or not, a loyal friend. Truly caring, poetic, I could go on, but I doubt a flatter fest would really help any... Anyway... Remember who you are in Christ-- nothing but a vessel-- a vessel of Christ. What's not to like about that? Obviously, we all make mistakes in our friendships and in our lives, but that doesn't mean that we're bad or unlikeable. Remember the true you is Christ in you.

Strive to live that out, and don't concern yourself so much with the opinions of others. If you value God's opinion more than the opinions of others, then you wouldn't have to worry about being a bad friend or being unlikeable, because God sees you as His wonderful daughter, and completely accepts you. If you get more caught up in others' opinions, and let it affect how you act, well, that's valuing their opinions above God's...which is idolatry, is it not?...

...But you know all this... I'll be praying for you. Sometimes (and I struggle with this too... in fact, I am right now) we just forget who we really are, what we're really doing, and more importantly, who God is and what He has done for us, what He is doing, and what He will do for us. A mentor of mine once said "Faith is believing that God is who He says He is and is going to do what He said He is going to do." I pray that I have been at least a little helpful...Much love and prayers!

In Christ's love,

Again, as I read this, I just sensed there are many who need it. Since Beej resides with the Almighty, it is truly a letter to us all. It is precious to me! I trust the Lord will bathe you with His grace.

So many are under attack! As I read the comments from the past couple of days, I am moved to prayer, and am thankful that so many of you are as well. We must reread Eph. 6, and don our spiritual apparel. Yes, the battle belongs to the Lord, but we are His warriors and have a responsibility to serve.

Please know that we do not intend to end the blog, soon (unless the Lord dictates otherwise).



At 7:21 AM, Blogger . said...

What a great letter! It kind of makes me think of the kind of letter the Apostle Paul would write, if he were an American teenager today! Thanks for sharing!

Still praying....

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that you are continuing the blog. It is so encouraging to me as I continue to learn from BJ. The statement that he made "The true you is Christ in you" was so powerful. Thank you for continuing to share your lives with us.

Please know that you are still in my prayers.

At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This letter really ministered to me - I needed it! Thank you for continuing to share!

At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been struggling the past couple of months & BJ's letter was for me. Thank you for sharing from your heart & for sharing parts of BJ's life. I am learning from them & I am being challenged to a deeper level. God is continuing to use you. Thank you for being open.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How powerful! Once again I'm in awe at the depth of BJ's understanding and ability to minister, even today. It is refreshing that in this modern day we have "crusaders for Christ" that are trying to counter the negative and sinful ways of this world. Let the REVOLUTION continue!! I'm armed and ready today-I'll start right here at home and everywhere I go today! Thank you for sharing!

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHat an amazing young man! Truly an apostle of Jesus Christ! His words are like letters to the church that you read in the NT - he is amazing. You have been wonderful parents to raise him in a home where he was free to express himself.
Thank you for continuing to share your precious BJ!

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what an inspiration to us all and once again I thank God for the privilege of being able to receive what God has shared through BJ. It is so amazing at how God can use one message to touch so many lives at just the perfect time.
Love to you all,
Kayla Rice
Okc, OK

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how amazingly appropriate for today.

thank you so very much.

another student God is chasing after

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do I start...

As always, I am moved when visiting this place. Just like everyday, I am touched when reading the simple words portrayed here. They are are simple, everyday words, but when put together using the Holy Spirit and an open heart... it blesses me with tears of joy. I told my wednesday night discipleship class next week I will be introducing them to your family. I am confident many lives will be touched, in addition to my own. I know the Holy Spirit will push some to caravan with me to Broken Arrow to meet the family and share with them. Higgins family, the Drumright Nazarene's will be the small group in the front, emerced in tears, worshiping with you.

I love what you are doing and thank you for keeping myself focused!

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for Pastor Ferdie Flores, missionary in East Timor. He's being executed today by beating.

Also, please keep me in your prayers. I'm starting counseling today. There's just a lot going on in my life right now and I'm not coping very well. Still sorta struggling to keep my head above water. Just pray that the healing process will begin.

I love you guys and my prayers are still with you. Can't wait to see you at the Awe Star reunion.


At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The true you is Christ in you." Wow, those are such powerful words and so true. It's the message I've been trying to share with my fellow Bible study group, my Sunday School class and my youth club 2nd grade Bible study group. That how we act, what we do and what we say, reflects Jesus and so we want to make good choices and remember that through the Holy Spirit in us, we are not alone and can have the courage to do the right thing. It reminds me of that song, "I can only imagine"--could you imagine how wonderfully different our world would be if we ALL lived our lives as if they were a reflection of Christ in us. What an amazing, loving world that would be. The only time I think we get even a sense of that is during the Christmas season when people tend to be more giving, loving and caring toward each other.

You should be so proud of the amazing son you raised in the faith and the wonderful lessons he obviously not only heard but applied. Those who were his friends were truly blessed. Peace to you all on this day.


At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

praising God in Pink! Love you all

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I truly needed to hear that. Your family has been such a source of strength for me as I am going through a Mighty Spiritual battle myself! My life has been blessed and greatly enriched from the day that I learned of BJ. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing with us. Your family, will continue to be lifted up to the Father in prayer.
In His Precious name,
Leslie Pippin
Tulsa, OKlahoma

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love hearing from God through your words & BJ's...continue to pray for your strength and everyday events.

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are not going to stop this blog. It is such a wonderful piece of all our lives now!!

What an amazing letter. It is wonderful to be constantly learning from your son. God has truly blessed us with "knowing" your son.

I am praying for the Pastor's family. God will be with them...I know. And I pray that the girl who was being baptized does not feel any guilt...I don't know how "new" of a Christian she is, but this was God's will and timing...and not her fault. If you are reading this, please know that. And know that you are being lifted up in prayer constantly.

We love you Higgins family...
constantly praying in pink~~

Linda Anderson
Willows, California

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent & Deanna,

The more I read of BJ's writings I am so very sure that he was an Angel sent to be with us for a few years here on earth. Whenever we were with BJ and talked to him or just heard him talking to Ryan or some of the other kids and or adults at Northside I often thought he is so wise beyond his years. I do believe with all my heart that he was sent by God to bless us through knowing him. You guys were so lucky to have him with you for the short period of time you did. God Bless you all.


At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want you to know you're CONTINUALLY in my thoughts and prayers. I'm anxious to get to see you this weekend and hear you share. Thank you for continuing to share your journey with us through the web. I enjoy reading the posts and every time I read am inspired by your faith and transparency.

-Tulsa, OK

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The report of Pastor Ferdie Flores being executed today is not true, although the family has been threatened a lot recently and still very much needs prayer. There is more information at this link : http://fbc-misawa.org/missionaries/Flores.htm

Praying always for you Higgins!

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Prayer Warriors,
I know that we have all been praying for Pastor Lake's family (and church family) in Waco, TX and I encourage everyone to continue doing so. Below please fine a link to a story about the pastor's story. It is very interesting to me that a "National" news service would pick it up, but God will have the glory.
Brent, I went out to the camp this weekend and was saddend when I didn't get to see you! I miss you so much. I know that you won't be there this weekend as you and Deanna are traveling but I hope to see you sometime soon! God bless and thank you so much for sharing with all of us.


At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful letter. It was just another insight into how BJ was...I would have loved to meet him. I am thrilled to hear that you do in fact plan to continue the blogs. Thank you! You remain in my prayers!
Lauren Szabo

At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Higgins family,
At the moment I have so few words. BJ's letter obviously ministered to many people today, and I count myself in that number. Some days are so hard to hang on, as you all certainly know. Your thoughts Brent and BJ's letter touched my heart and put my thinking in a better place. I am thankful that you will keep the blog going. We all need your words, Brent and Deanna. Last week I had wanted to write you but my computer would not let me get through to you. When I went to bed and did my nightly devotionals I knew why. It definitly was a God moment. I was reading how God used a incidental, non-important bush to talk to Moses. It was just an average bush in the wild. I immediately thought of BJ and you all. BJ was an ordinary man, even though we really see him as so special. Moses was an ordinary man who was chosen to be a leader amoung God's people. BJ was an average young man who was also chosen to talk to God's people of the world. Through your loss, please remember that BJ continues to support so many people that in turn can bless so many other people all over the world. Brent you and Deanna also bless us, guide us and minister to us that only God could have planned. He always makes good out of our trials. I continue to see BJ as that burning bush, shining his light on all of us who are trying to "get it" like he did. He truly had the hand of God on him. Blessings and peace to you all!

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent and Deanna,

As I am much in prayer for your sharing times this week and weekend, it occurs to me that BJ (as was so often the case) had a word for you as well. I have every confidence that in the coming days, people will see "the Christ in you" and, in so doing, be drawn to follow Him in love and obedience.

Go with God and know that we continue

praying in pink,

Marti for the Pieper Family
Charleston, SC

At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want you to know how inspired I am by continued reading and your updates on this blog.

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray for you all day by day and for God's guidance as you prepare to share this weekend. Also, I really feel led to let Heather Schaper know that I'll be praying for her as well, that the Lord would minister to her and bring the emotional healing that she needs.

At 1:16 AM, Blogger natenamy said...

I have not been on here for a little while, but as I was at the computer early this morning, I thought I would check and see the latest post. It continues to be a blessing to be able to share with you the thoughts from BJ's heart. It is a constant reminder and encouragement as to what we need to be doing with our time efforts and energy. God is so awesome, and I am so moved to see how God was and continues to work from the faithfulness of his servant.

We will be praying for you specifically this week for safe travel and that God would be glorified thourgh you and the words you share.


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its truly amazing how our wonderful God works! Bj's story got all the way to me today. I was at cheerleading practice and one of the girls had a shirt on that said, "prayforbj.conm" and i asked them about it, and she told me the story. So i got on here and read how truly amazing Bj was. And to the parents, just remember, God has a plan for everything! He works in mysterious ways. And also remember you can do (get through) anything with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. And just remember we are all praying for you, and I KNOW Bj is up in Heaven asking all the angels to pray with you. So just hold on for this journy God has planned, and i promise everything will be ok.
In God's Love


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