Deanna clears a vacant lot of broken glass, big rocks and other debris so the team has a place to minister from (Mexico).
What an incredible last few days it has been. God has so clearly demonstrated how jealous He is of us, our attention and affections. His pursuit of His children in Erin Springs, Oklahoma has brought pause to me as I review my time with them.
His passion and intensity for us and for who He wants us to become is 'gi-normous' (I prefer "e-gantic"). That He allows such times of coming together to richly dwell in Him and His presence is significant. What must break His heart is how often during those times, we fail to allow His Spirit to move us as He is seeking our intimacy.
God reaches out to us frequently. All too often we fail to realize it as we are too connected to the things around us...the understand that it is Him who pursues us and desires fellowship with us at the very deepest level. When we yield to His advances, the result is intimacy that we do not expect. Our every desire is met in ways that we have missed, tremendously. How do we forget? How is it that we cannot seem to remember this and too often are found seeking similar fulfillment from places and people that cannot satisfy?
We are genuinely surprised and disappointed when our needs are not met by these other visitations that we instigate.
God is Love!!!
He sent His Holy Spirit to bring Comfort to us, IF we will allow Him to do so. Too often, we get a bit too self absorbed, and falsely believe that our significance needs to come from the affections of another, and we do not just abide in the love that He extends to us.
On this Valentines Day, there will be many who are frustrated, hurting and curious about why a loving God has allowed them such dire circumstances on the day that celebrates love and intimacy.
We need to make a concerted effort to reach out to those around us, and remind them of Christ the Saving One, who has paid the ultimate price, that they might have life. Their worth, their value is and will always be, found in Him.
We each need to stop seeking in the world, that which only comes from the hand of our Father in heaven. He will satisfy. He will meet each need we have. He will love us beyond expectation or measure.
We have to let Him do so! Then, we need to reciprocate.
Happy Valentines Day!
God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana
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