Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I did not get to go to Panama, as I have not passed the kidney stone. I did finally get a CT scan this morning, but will not know the result for a couple more days. In the mean time, my partner in ministry led the team in my place. His gain, my loss. I am comfortable with the decision however, as it would not have been good to be in the jungle and have a serious medical issue, with help hours away.

We did receive our 30 day teams back, and sent out our Panama team. The 30 day teams had an amazing summer. Thousands of new believers were added to His kingdom! Lives were changed both on our teams and in the hearts of each nation.

My daughter Lauren led the team to Peru this year. It was her first trip there. She did an amazing job. She had the youngest team, but they walked in unity and power. They visited places that BJ, Deanna and I have never been. I confess I am jealous.

Regardless, the Lord used her and continues to develop her leadership abilities.

Whitney has begun her career as a nurse, and was more than ready to begin!

Deanna starts school again Friday, August 6th. It doesn't seem possible that she is going back to work already! Where did the summer go?

This late summer begins a new season of traveling and speaking. I look forward to doing so, and am thankful for the provision of the Lord.

More later, but wanted to update you all.

God bless!



At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure sorry you didn't get to go to Panama. However I think it was the right decision. Trust you will pass it soon. We are praying for you.
Love you
Aunt Maralyn

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreeing with your Aunt Maralyn! Praying you are feeling much better soon.


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