Through the long process of the book coming together and waiting for it to be published, our hearts desire has been to see it impact our country...our world.
I believe I have shared before that one of BJ's top ten list of goals to accomplish in life, was to write two books. He so wanted to have an impact on the world for Jesus. Let me restate that, he so wanted Jesus to impact our world and he wanted to be useful in that process.
We have begun to hear from some of you who have read the book. We have been hearing about transformed lives, and those who have had their eyes opened to what God wants them to do.
Along this road we have continued to hope for the book to have impact outside of our country.
In the last week, we have received two reports that have been a huge blessing. First we heard from missionaries in Chile. They spent much of their mission life in Peru, and knew many of the people talked about. They wrote to tell us what an encouragement the book has been to them and their ministry.
The second story requires a bit of set up.
Since coming to Tulsa, we have met many new people. Most we consider to be family. Every fall, we host a missions focused conference. In 2006, a youth pastor named Mike came. He was with others from his church. Awe Star would connect with Mike and the staff at his church, as they began to reach out to us. God laid an intense heart for missions focus on he and the other staff.
Over the months, we would begin to connect. So much so, that last April, another staff person an I took Mike and his pastor and worship pastor to Mexico for a few days to show them our work there and to assist them in capturing their own vision for missions.
On the return trip, Mike and I really began to talk. He relayed to me that they had recently had a guest speaker come and share with his youth. That guest speaker told them BJ's story. He was a youth pastor himself, and the father of one of the young ladies on BJ's last Peru team.
Mike was marveling at the move of God to take him from a distant knowledge of our journey to an intimate one. We spoke for hours as it was a long drive.
This past weekend, I spoke to Mike's youth at a weekend retreat. We had an incredible time with the Lord and the student response to God presence was wonderful.
Somewhere along the way, Mike began to share a story with me. He had recently gone with his pastor to India and Nepal. They want to adopt a people group there for their church to minister to. It was a vision trip.
While there, Mike met a young woman who is the same age BJ would be. She was their to serve the Lord for around a nine month tour. To find one so young there for that length of time is rare.
She was listening to music. Mike asked her what she was listening to.
She replied "MercyMe."
He responded, "Oh really, what song?"
She began to convey to him that they had written a song that really touched her heart. It was her favorite song. "It's called, I Would Die for You!"
Mike responded in disbelief. He pulled out the book he had with him which carried the same title and gave it to her. They discussed BJ's story and how it affected each of them. She was very excited to receive such a gift. So far from home, God was at work in and through her life, and Mike was a vessel of blessing.
We are so thrilled to hear such stories. We invite you to share your own.
We thank God for His incredible provision!
Deanna and I would appreciate it very much if those of you who have read the book, that purchased it on-line, would return to the website you bought it from and review it, PLEASE?!?!
We know it is a hassle and that you must jump through some hoops to do so, but it helps others who are interested in the book to know if they really want to read it or not. We believe God is using this book to further His kingdom, and bring glory to Himself! We are asking you to help in this process by offering your words in this way. Thank you so much!
I love you guys! I just had to say that!
I'm asking for prayer :) I'm really just struggling with how "we" have made the face of Christianity look --- I often don't think it looks like CHRIST! I'm reading this incredible book called CLASSIS CHRISTIANITY! Boy, has it changed my life! Please pray for the body that we would embrace God over religion and CHRIST over Christianity ... I'm really struggling with not seeing that and seeing so many people embrace complacency! I don't want to fall into that OR judgment in the process of seeking the Lord on this!
ANYONE - Please feel free to email me your prayers or encouragement - I sure could use it!
Laurel Lynn <><
Greeley, CO
Hi, Higgins family,
I wanted to say hello and let you know I am thinking of you.
Love, Tammy Bullington
(Jayden's grandma)
I just heard a little bit of BJ's story on the radio this afternoon as I drove to work. Please, let me know how I can get a copy. God bless you richly and may BJ's legacy continue to touch and save lives!
I'm a junior in high school, and I plan on going on a mission trip this summer with Awe Star. I'm so excited about what God is going to do.. I met Dr. Moore last weekend, as we had a Global Impact Missions Conference. He spoke to us about several things, and I’m fairly certain that he was the one who brought several copies of I Would Die for You. I couldn't put it down. Immediately after I read the book, I passed it on to my friend and purchased another copy for one of my teachers.
BJ was a very amazing person. Between ages nine and fifteen I was only thinking about the next movie that was coming out or a faculty of lesser importance.. I wasn't so interested in the glorification of God. It has been a little over a year ago since I became really serious about God. This book helped me in my walk, though - it challenged me quite a bit. I thought that I had it all together, but I realized that I was just settling for mediocre. With BJ's help (or rather, God speaking through BJ), I've realized that it's time for our generation to step up and start not only living it out, but living it out RADICALLY, and if it's not contagious, there's probably something wrong!
In my opinion, everyone who is going on a mission trip should probably read this book, as there are several missions-related tidbits of advice. I’m so thankful that you guys wrote it so that BJ’s story could be heard. I predict that God is going to receive so much glory through this. Thanks again. :)
Katie B.
But as I was saying in this last anonymous post (after I posted this I made a blog.. these things are handy), I Would Die for You is an amazing book and EVERYONE should read it.
Katie B.
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