Thursday, April 06, 2006

We sat at Starbuck's late last night, with our friends Deb and Bob. We had been to dinner earlier, and on the way home Bob suggested it, and we quickly cast our 'yes' votes. Deanna and Deb sank deep into the comfy chairs as Bob pulled up a table and we grabbed the less comfy wooden plank seats.

Somehow, we started talking about eggs. I honestly cannot remember how it came up. We were discussing what happens when you try to prepare eggs in a microwave. I learned that it does not work well, as they tend to explode. I find that funny, and wanted to run home and try it. Bob and Deb are both engineers, so I asked them why you couldn't prepare an egg a certain way utilizing a microwave. It was not my intent to ask a brain teaser. Apparently, I am smarter than I think (not likely).

For the next several seconds, our friends took opposing points of view on why this would or would not work. I lapsed into my days back at Purdue when my college roommates (also engineers) would have very similar discussions. Only they would discuss something far more important... the likelihood that water would freeze faster if put into ice trays in the freezer with the liquid being hot as opposed to cold. I got lost then too. I do not have an engineers brain. I pretty much don't care why water freezes or how quickly. Just as long as it is ice when I want it to be.

I also don't care why eggs explode in the microwave. I just think it sounds like fun to watch... as long as I don't have to clean it up. Not to be cruel. I like eggs. I like them over medium, or on occasion, scrambled. BJ liked Eggs Benedict (it seems wrong not to capitalize the word egg when using it in conjunction with the name Benedict). It comes with hollandaise sauce.

I am lost again. I don't know what a 'hollandaise' is. The only place we found Eggs Benedict was Bob Evans. Beej liked to go there just for this. The problem was they used to only serve it until 11:00 am, or until the hollandaise sauce was gone. Why is all the hollandaise sauce gone... and why couldn't they just make more? Who is Benedict, and why did he choose a sauce that is hard to keep on hand? It must be rare stuff, cause they are expensive to order (remember, BJ never ordered cheap food).

I have never eaten Eggs Benedict, exploded an egg in the microwave (yet), or poured hot and cold water in two separate ice trays to see which one froze faster. But I do like eggs, and I do like ice in my drinks. I just don't like getting lost while other people talk about the theories.

This is the way many non-believers view our faith. They hear us arguing denominational, or budgetary issues and they get lost. The difference is, if we cannot agree on who Jesus is, and what His Word says, then we destroy the very witness we are trying to put forth. Why would they want to commit to something that we make so difficult and unappealing?

This is the reason Jesus prayed that we would have unity as believers (in John 17). He knows the destructive nature of our desperate need to be right, and our inability to agree. These are not Christ-like attributes. These vociferous, even venomous at times, discussions fray the very fabric that weaves us together as brothers and sisters in Christ. In process, it destroys our ability to win others to our Savior.

They do not care about how to freeze water, or how to microwave eggs without exploding them. They do hunger and thirst, but their need is for righteousness, salvation and things of the Lord. The way to convey this information is with a humble and gentle spirit, not an "I will win at all costs" attitude. That only results in lost souls.

Next business meeting, practice a humble and gentle spirit, you don't know who might be watching!


I have the privilege of sharing at Indiana University tonight. Please pray for the students, that they will hear what the Lord wants them to.

Thank you so much for your prayer support over the last couple of days. Our Lord has used you to lift and encourage us!

Thank you so much for your generosity RC, Lisa/Jack, and Aunt Maralyn!!!


At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Dad, Go God! This Hoosier alum is praying the Holy Spirit will use you in a mighty way with the IU students tonight. (You might want to keep the Purdue stories to yourself! LOL) While the cream & crimson and the black & gold may separate us, the Lord Jesus unites us all with His lovingkindness and grace. I praise Him for your faithful witness.
Mark, OH

At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blessings on you today.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger natenamy said...

Brent- You "crack" me up! As someone with a very non-engineering type brain too, I totally understand where you are coming from. Also, because of my work everyday, I have the opportunity to share with people on a real level with out talking about all the things that honestly even get ME confused sometimes.
We will be praying for you tonight when you go to IU to share.
Love you lots,

At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless,
Greenfield, Indiana

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you as you go to the college tonight. It is time..........

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had never looked at this in this particular way before... thank you for putting that in a differant kind of light for me!
In him,

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Renee Zellwigger, "You had me at 'starbucks.'" Good stuff, Brent. I went up (when you are starting at 9500 feet, UP means something) with at CMA pastor who wanted a fresh set of eyes to look at his neighborhood. We are developing a nice friendship and he has been amazed that a baptist is willing to work with an Alliance! God forgive us.

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just made me laugh out loud!!! Thanks for the smiles this warmed my face up for he rest of the day!!!!

Floence, KY


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