Friday, September 02, 2005

Hello, Family!

Today has been a good day for BJ. They added three stitches around his chest tube, which has stopped the external bleeding and significantly slowed internal bleeding. His oxygen saturation levels have been consistently in the high 90s, and even hit 100% a few times today. (!) Because of this, the doctors are beginning to turn down the ECMO machine, which will slowly enable his body to begin working more and more on its own, as he gains strength. So far today, small steps have been made in this process. :-)

I get so excited every time I have the privilege of reading comments left by people all over the world! The prayers from people in their native languages are so powerful to see, and even if we do not understand the exact words, our Father does!!

I think it's time, once again, for some more of BJ's own words... Here are excerpts from an online journal entry he posted shortly after returning home from Peru:

"God has really challenged me (and my teammates) over this Peru trip to always OBEY Him immediately, to FOLLOW Him with faith and endurance, and to SEEK after Him and His glory...

But most importantly, God challenged me (and my team) to lay down my (our) life(lives) for Him and to live the LIFESTYLE of a missionary. Its so easy, in the USA, to get comfortable with where we are and to get comfortable, even, with our small ministry or lack thereof, but God did not call us to a life of comfort, but to a life of suffering for Him, which brings us JOY and GLORY through Jesus Christ. Christ doesn't just call us to live for Him on Sundays and Wednesdays, or on camps and mission trips, or during bible studies and SV or FCA meetings, but EVERY DAY, every moment of our lives. God taught me that even my "home"town is a missionfield (since we are aliens in this world, and it is not our home) and its time that we as Christians stop being lazy and just talking the talk, and get our hands and feet dirty actually following Him and serving Him diligently every day of our lives. We need to take His message to the people of every nation--including ours (for we all know how much our nation needs Christ). He went through the blood, the least we can do is go through the mud."

Thank you for serving our God and my family through your prayers and support while BJ "goes through the mud."

Love in Christ, Lauren


At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

STAY STRONG. Thats great news to hear.

Jonathan Haag

At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is faithful! We're still praying for all of you!
-Brittany A

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Ashley Reagan said...

Awesome news! Thanks again for sharing! Stay strong! Praying for you all always!!

Ashley Dawn (peru 04)

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are still in my prayers!

Laura Oksol

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying...!!!!!

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BJ you are one blessed guuy, youve definately got your priorites straight... it amazes me how much faith you put in God everyday, its one thing i struggle with, but your story encourages me to work at it

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sooooooooo happy that bj is gettit better so i really need 2 stop crying my nose is gettin all stufy im just happy hes getin better i love u all
Julie Meils

At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sooo happy always have faith in jesus christ!!!
julie meils

At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying for you, BJ and your family. It constantly amazes me how mature in your faith that you are!

At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

During this time of trial and heartache not only in your family but around the entire Gulf Coast, we are reminded through BJ's words how we are to surrender to God, to minister to all peoples and to spread the word and love of Jesus Christ.

BJ is doing that through all the lives he has touched that you see from the many prayers/concerns of people all over the world, your family is doing that in their examply of steadfast faith during these difficult times, people all over the world are doing that in the Gulf Coast when they lend a hand, donate money, open their house to strangers, help the elderly...all of these are examples of Christ at work in our daily lives. They are examples of "walking the talk" and living for Christ EVERY DAY. Praise our wonderful Lord and Father who is present with all of us during these times when we feel so afraid and unsure. Trust in the Almighty is the only way to go. Blessings to you all.

At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankyou BJ for impacting my life so greatly. I may never have met you, but you have indirectly effected me. My "funness" as I call her has grown so much in her faith, and she thanks you for that... and I inturn have benifited from it as well, but most importantly Christ has benifited from your faithfulness to obey him and serve no matter what the cost.

To BJ's family, thankyou for sharing such an incredible man of God with the world! You are in my prayers CONSTANTLY.

God Bless!
><> Sarah Crews

At 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Good news! We will continue to pray for BJ, your family, and the medical staff. I just thought of all the lives you all must be touching there in the hospital, sharing your faith, it just gives me goosebumps... Everything works for the Glory of God! BJ's journal entries are not only his testamoiny of faith, but so inspiring as well. Praying for an extra dose of strength and comfort for ya'll.
Because of HIM,
A sister in Christ

At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so glad and greatful to our God that BJ's health is improving. Thank you also for sharing a part of BJ's heart with us. It reminds us older christians to return to our first love, when we see the passion in someone younger. Our prayers are with you.

At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an incredible young man B.J. is! I received the prayer request from Bart/MercyMe. I have forwarded the prayer request on to others on my prayer list. B.J., you and your family are being lifted up in prayer by probably millions! What an awesome thought! God Bless you all and thank you for your updates.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord, As I look outside my window today, it looks like it is going to be such a beautiful day. I pray that you are with BJ today so that he, too, can enjoy many more beautiful days.
I begin another day, lifting this family to you. Thank you for hearing our prayers and beginning the healing process of BJ. Please continue to guard him against infection and control his bleeding. Keep his body strong, Lord.
You know more than any of us, how hard it is to see your child go through pain, Lord. I pray that you are with Brent and Deanna again today. Let them feel you carrying them through them strength, encouragement, and patience.
What would we do Lord if we didn't have you to look to for hope?
Thank you for hearing our prayers.

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Õ a te dícséreted, és a te Istened, a ki azokat a nagy és rettenetes dolgokat cselekedte veled, a melyeket láttak a te szemeid.
5 Mózes 10:21

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for his journal entry I need to be reminded of that! Still praying!

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

B.J. is a strong Christain and this is his cross to bear...
God loves you B.J. and we are so happy u r getting more independant and getting better!
Praise God!!!
Love your sister in Christ,


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