Sunday, September 04, 2005

I got to talk to BJ tonight while he was awake!!! Through slight movements of his head, and slowly blinking his eye, he was able to communicate with us. He let us know he's tired, but not in pain. We told him of the awesome faithfulness of all of you in your prayers. We told him of the ways God is being glorified through his suffering. It was wonderful to be able to talk to him and know he could hear us.

The doctors have let us know that this week is very important. We knew BJ would be on ECMO a minimum of three weeks, and we are now on day 19. Though BJ's lungs have made strides in getting better, they must improve significantly more in order for the doctors to be able to take him off the ECMO circuit. We should find out in the next couple days if the yeast they found is under control. If it has developed into a problem, they will have to switch over the ECMO circuitry and tubes again, or they will have to take him off ECMO to prevent the fungus from clinging to tubing and getting in the way. His body is not yet prepared for this, so please be praying that the yeast goes away!

We anxiously await the day when BJ can talk back to us. THANK YOU for running this race with my family. THANK YOU for your prayer support and praising our Father for all He is doing!!!

BJ knows this verse is my favorite, and it is from his favorite book of the Bible, so I read it to him tonight:

"Though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your soul!" 1 Peter 1:8-9 [bold added]

Love, Lauren


At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks 4 the ubdates and were so glad 2 here the great news i will keep praying for good news and strength for all of u julie meils

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Jacktopher Meils said...

I can't express how happy I am for your family, and how much I'll continue to be in prayer, constantly for my brother.

I love you guys,

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank god fot the great work he is doing through all this god has united christians i check here almost every day.

in christ,
Julia TX.

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Higgins family:

I met BJ last October on a youth retreat for Plainfield Baptist Church. I was impressed then with his love for the Lord and his testimony to the other youth. He and your family have touched countless people's lives through this website. My Mom's church in Colorado is praying for him and she's reading the updates too. She says she feels like she knows him and your family. We continue to lift him up in prayer daily and trust God for His perfect will.

In Christ,
Jill Ruberson

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

STAY STRONG. That is great to hear. Still Praying for all of you at the Haag Home.

Your Brother In Christ
Jonathan Haag

At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Higgins family,
Tonight as we all gathered around the computer to check on BJ's progress (including grandma) we continue to give God glory and praise for his faithfulness and to hear BJ was able to communicate with nods and blinks was awesome!!! Brooke's little sister, Whitney is 2 and even she has heard us as we speak and pray for BJ and tonight she saw his picture on the computer and said "Awwh, there's BJ, he is HAPPY!, he will be okay, he is not sad." Our whole family feels like we know you just through Brooke's stories and we join together in trusting God to completely heal BJ's body and will continue "running this race" with you in prayer as Lauren put it earlier this evening. Your family has been a true blessing in the transparency of your faith and trust through this time. May God bless you this evening and we pray that even in the times that BJ is sedated that he has "happy" (according to Whitney) thoughts of God's love and comfort!!
In His Love,
The Rice's

At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so excited for brent and the rest of your family!! prayerage keeps pouring in from carmel. i knew that driving past monrovia had to mean was like foreshadowing a step forward for brent. i continually pray for brent and your family!!
<3 your sister in Christ,

At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

praise the Lord for His ultimate power and grace. my prayers, as always, are forever with you and your family. bj i love you and i know you love the Lord, keep fighting the good fight, and know the war is won. and we, my brother, serve the victor.
i love you

At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking in one more time before bed. Will definitely pray for his lungs to start kicking in so BJ can get off the ECMO asap. Also, that the yeast infection will be successfully treated. You all are continually in our thoughts and prayers. Have a peaceful night.

Nancy Reed

At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how difficult is is to watch a loved one and not be able to do anything but pray....but we know our God hears us and loves BJ as much you do. Your faith in a loving God is an encouragement in a time such as this. Your love for the lost definitely shows a peace that passes understanding. Only God can give you comfort in these times...and only God can heal BJ. Our continual prayers are with you and BJ. I know that God is already being glorified in this situation.

Jim Bohanon
Tulsa, Oklahoma

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Ashley Reagan said...

Praying hard. I came across this verse when I was working on my homework (yeah... homework. long story)

Exodus 14:14 "God will fight the battle for you..."

It reminded me of BJ and thought I would encourage you and say that God is fighting this for you. HE will win this for you. No matter what comes your way, trust in HIM and HE will fight for you. Keep looking up!

Ashley Dawn (peru 04)

At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard about BJ because of my youth minister. Today he did a lesson on how BJ is so strong while he is going through this. He is such a smart kid, and i admire his sprit. Not only is Bj in my prayers, but his family, the doctors, nurses, and everybody that effects their everyday life.

God Bless

At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to tell you what's happening on my campus concerning BJ. My sister made some flyers for me to put up on my campus asking people to pray for BJ. This last week I was with my friend putting them up in the guys' dorm, and as we were walking out we saw one of our friends. He asked us what we were up to and we told him about BJ and asked him to pray. He said, "Well why don't we pray right now?" So right there, in front of the dorms, we prayed. My friend also asked me if he could have one of my flyers so he could post it on his door. I have had many people ask me how BJ is doing and they are still praying. I hope this is encouraging. I'm praying that God would bless BJ and the Higgins family today!
In Christ,
Emily Reagan

At 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey. it's me again, julie. i don't know if u remember me im tara case's friend. she went to peru with BJ. i just wanted to let you know i am praying for BJ everyday! i know that all this is going to glorify god in the end! everything happens for a reason. so just wanted to let you know i am praying for him. keep me updated!

He still moves stones,
julie burden

At 3:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see just how much God is moving in this situation. People at my college who don't even know BJ are praying for him and checking up on his progress along with those at my church back home. Look how much God has been glorified through this! I just praise God for how much He's already done in the process of healing BJ's body and I thank God for the immense honor it was to serve with BJ in Peru. BJ, I learned so much from you. You are an incredible friend and inspiration to me and I love you as a brother. My prayers go out to both you and your family and I can't wait to see you again.


At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have been following the updates on bj and we are praying for his recovery

your neighbor
dowden family

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent, Deanna & girls - as they said at the beginning "A boring night in ecomo is a good night". We pray you were able to rest last night and praise God that you were able to wake to some good news this morning. Know that throughout the day today, we will be lifting you all before the throne of God. I'm reminded of the song "How Great is our God" - in the chorus it says "and all will see, how great is our God". Truly, all are seeing the greatness of God as you live your faith day-by-day, moment-by-moment and choose to give Him all of the glory. How blessed we are to have your family in our lives. With all of our love, carol

"The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shll be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail." Is. 58:11


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